Pregnant after 2 Miscarriages - Updated from 13 week scan!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Hi There,

I've just joined today because I feel like I need to talk to people who are in the same boat as me or have been through it already. I have no children and have had two miscarriages already, my last was in March this year. My O/H and I didn't find out this time until my 12 week scan where we were told our baby had died at around 9 weeks. Needless to say this devastated my O/H and I, as we had assumed that as we had no problems and all my symptoms were still present that there would be a heartbeat. (We had also had a scan at 9 weeks after I was hospitalized with hyperemesis, there was a heartbeat although the baby had measured at only 7 weeks 6 days but the nurse just told me I had my dates wrong and that's why the baby was smaller).

This has also been more difficult because I am the youngest of a very large family who all have lots of children and no one in my family at all has ever had a miscarriage. They are all very supportive and want to look after me but they ultimately just do not understand how upsetting this and how insecure it makes you afterwards. I also found out two weeks later that my eldest sister was pregnant with her fourth child which just made everything worse. And for a while I was so resentful and sad and jealous.

I am now pregnant again and will be 10 weeks tomorrow. I had some extremely heavy bleeding at 5 weeks and was told I had probably lost another baby but at the 6 week scan there was a little heartbeat. I started bleeding again at 8 weeks and I went for another scan which showed a heartbeat and that the baby was the right size, although there was some bleeding round the pregnancy sac. Luckily there has been no more bleeding but I am just so terrified that I will go to my 12 week scan and my baby will no longer have a heartbeat.

I feel so alone right now. My O/H is being great but doesn't want to come to any scans with me so I'm having to go to every appointment and scan by myself. He's supporting me in every way but just doesn't want to get attached but that's impossible for me, how can we not get attached to the babies inside of us? And my family are great but they don't know what I'm going through at all and meanwhile my pregnant sister who is now 5 months keeps texting me about every tiny great thing that's happening with her pregnancy without realizing that perhaps right now it's really tough for me to listen to that or be supportive. I feel so sad and lonely and worried. It's so tough when people around you are so certain that everything is going to go fine with their pregnancies and you're a nervous wreck everyday.

I'm sorry this post is so long I just needed to tell my story and actually feel like I was talking to people who knew how I felt.

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I just lost my baby too and know exactly ow you feel. I dread the moment I will be pregnant again just because I dont want this to happen again. I suppose it's nth we can do about that than worrying and waiting. Hopefully those 2 weeks will go fast for you and y will see your little one.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's such a dreadful thing to go through and my thoughts are with you. I remember how difficult it was for quite a while and you have to give yourself time to grieve. Thank you so much for sharing with me and your support.
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I can totally understand how you must be feeling. When I found out I was pregnant again after 2 mcs, I found it hard to become attached as I just kept thinking the worst would happen but you really have to try and stay positive. Two mcs isn't that uncommon and def doesn't mean you can't go on to have a healthy pregnancy. Hope the next 2 weeks fly in for you and you have a happy and healthy pregnancy. xx
Hi verity, welcome to the forum

I am in a similar position, i have no children and have had 2 miscarrages and found out this week i am pregnant again. Its a nerve wracking time. I really hope everything works out for you. keep us updated

hi there, i totaly understand how you are feeling, i had a mc in may and i am now 5 weeks preganant again. when i had the mc i was totaly devastated and it felt like no one understood how i felt. i was 11 weeks when this happened and was told that my baby stopped growing at 7 weeks. i ust blamed myself for this happening. this time round i am so nervous. i am trying not to get excited about it just incase it happens to me again but its impossible to not to knowing that you have a baby growing inside you. I wish you luck this time round!! Congratulations xx
Hi there hon,

Emotionally you must be going through hell! I have been there too. I had two miscarriages and am now pregnant (due to give birth any day) for a third time! I would like to tell you it gets easier once you get past 12 weeks but I have found it hard all the way through and thought something would go wrong! Coming on here has been a real help for me as you realise you are not alone and others are there to help you who have been through the same. My OH has tried to be supportive but I don't think he really understood emotionally how draining it is, just expecting things to go wrong!

I wish you all the love and luck with this pregnancy - just try to stay positive and make sure you share you worries with a special friend or on this forum!!! I thought I would never get to be a mum but now I am just a few days (hopefully!!) away from that dream!

Lots of love to you and your baby

Thank you so much for all your support ladies. Just the few days having been on here has made me feel a lot less lonely and I really appreciate that. As I said my family are great and I'm usually so close to my sisters I can speak to them about anything. But when I tried to speak to them about how I was feeling, they almost shut down and just told me that every woman feels worried and I'm just not as good at putting those thoughts out of my head. I was feeling so down about it until I came back on here and saw all your messages, and realized I wasn't being a freak for feeling this way.

Congratulations to Nurse 26 and sammi7, I wishing you guys loads and loads of love and hope you get to see your little ones in the scan soon. Please keep us updated with your progress!

And congratulations to Rachcraig and debsladybird on your little bundles of joy. Super good luck with the impending birth debsladybird!

I promise to keep you all updated on the progress, hopefully there will some more news this Tuesday after I've been to the doctor's again to check the bleeding around the pregnancy sac. I just couldn't stand waiting until my 12 week scan to find out if the bleeding had stopped yet especially because it's booked when I'm 13 weeks.

Lots of love to you all and your babies
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I hope everything goes well today.

it's really difficult talking to people who have never been through a MC about it as they tend to be unconfortable as they dont know what to say, thats why i love this forum.

Just thought I would let you all know the scan I had today was good news! There was a little wriggly baby that no longer looks like a little bean but a proper baby! The exact right size for 10w4d and a strong heartbeat so I was literally overjoyed, after working myself into a little bit of a state beforehand. Now just 2 more weeks until the 4th for 13 week scan, and then hopefully I can start relaxing and getting more excited. Although after seeing a wriggly baby today, it's hard not to get ahead of myself already.

Thanks again for all your posts, this forum really is a wonderful place for support!
Thats amazing news! congrats :) so pleased for you, us updated with babys progress :)
Great news hun, glad the scan went well. It can be a nerve wracking time but you'll get a lot of support here x
oh so pleased the scan went well my thoughts are with you. Can you speak to those around you have any siblings that you are close to as you have so many?? Maybe ask one of them to come with you explain how you feel scared and then its down to them if they try to understand or not. Noone can imagine what its like if they havent been through it and youve been through it twice you poor love

All the best thinkin of you xxx
great news, we too have the agonising horribile wait ofr scan to know if all ok after getting bad news last time we had a scan (different preg) im lucky hubby will come with me, can you not convince him otherwise i know the support is sooo important. thinking of you so glad the early scan went well and fingers crossed it all progresses nicely! x x x
Aww, thank you all so much for your messages, it really does help especially for the waits in between scans. Only a week and a day until our 13 week scan, so I'm hoping (fingers crossed) if I get more good news that my hubby will start to want to be more involved! I'm thinking of all you ladies who are waiting for your scans too and have my fingers crossed for you all. Please let me know how it all goes as well! xxx
Hi all

I am new to this :)
I had a mc in may, i found out yesterday i am preg. I am so happy but yet filled with fright. I cant get excited. Going through a mc was the worst experiance of my life. I am so scared.

Charlie26 I am new to this too and I also had a mc in May. I feel completely the same as you. I don't want to get excited because I have a horrible feeling the same thing is going to happen at 7 wks. Every pain etc I am so worried means something bad. Maybe we should stick together for support.:petal:

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