Downside to Early Scans

Ms Perkins

Active Member
Dec 8, 2008
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Just had my MW appointment (now just over 5 weeks). I asked when they would scan me taking into account my m/c at 6 weeks in July of this year and my chemical pregnancy just last month.

She said if I started having pains or bleeding to go straight to the EPU and they would scan me, but that the NHS would not scan me until 10 weeks (usual dating scan).

She then went on to say that sometimes having a "reassurance" scan at 6-8 weeks could be a bad thing - ie see a heartbeat, then lose the baby anyway.

I've got a private dating scan booked for 6th January (I'll be just over 8 weeks). didn't mention this to the MW once she had said the above!

Surely if I see a heartbeat at 8 weeks the odds of mc drop don't they? I know nothing is ever a guarantee with pregnancy.....
Im affraid that when i had my miscarriage in june i had a scan and saw a heartbeat at 8 wks and lost it a few days later. When i found out i was pregnant this time and had an early reassurance scan i asked the midwife about the heartbeat and she said risks only reduce after 12 weeks. You get so much conflicting information on the net one says yes risks reduce others say no. Praying this is a sticky baby for you :hug: :hug:
I have had two misscarrieged one at 6 and a half weeks then second was 13 weeks ago and I was 11 weeks.
No one told me that I would be more fertile and I am now 11 weeks pregnant I had a scan at 8 weeks to make sure everything was fine and it was the heart beat was strong and everythin was normal.
I am now got my scan on the 30th.

I am hoping this pregnancy goes well and I have had no sighns pain or bleeding so with every passing day I am getting more and more hopeful.

Good luck to you..

Summer xx
wen i had my missed miscarriage i had a early scan at 10 weeks then got right up 2 16 weeks and started bleeding and they sed that it had been gone since 5 weeks and it happened 2 days after the scan...tht is the reason tht i dont like avin early scans they gave me anutha 1 this time but it was at 11 weeks n 3 day soo not tht early,,
every1s different tho hun ill be thinking of u on 30th im sure everything will be ok hun!!!! xxx :hug:
statistically, if you see a hb and an embryo measuring fine for dates at 8w+, your risk of m/c goes down to 2%. Earlier than that, though a good scan reduces the risk, it's still pretty high. Many doctors don't like to book women in for early reassurance scans before 8 weeks, unless there's an emergency, for precisely that reason - it may not provide reassurance. I was booked in for one at 8+3, though I had one at 6+5 as well because of heavy bleeding.

However, 2% still means that 1 in 50 women with a great scan at 8w will m/c, often for no immediately obvious reason. Likewise a good scan at 12w reduces the risk to below 1% but there's never a guarantee...
With my last pregnany I bled for 3 weeks before loosing my bean at 9w 2d. I had several scans during that 3 weeks and everytime baby was fine with a heartbeat and everything. They couldnt find a cause for the bleeding and told me some women bleed for no reason and go on to have healthy babies. I assumed I was one of those and I think I got too confident with the pregnancy, I was devestated when I had a scan and was told I had lost my baby :( I really dont want an early scan this time for the same to happen again, but I have to have one to rule out ectopic, as I have had a ectopic in the past
I have a scan booked for 7 weeks. She was reluctant to give it me but did all the same.

When I went in for bleeding at 4w2d with my first she scanned me. I wouldn't have thought they'd have been able to see a thing that early, even if it was a healthy pregnancy!

I know there is still a big risk but I will be reassured by seeing a heartbeat or even just a blob on the screen. To know that there is a baby in there.

Honestly, with all the risks and odds it's a wonder anyone ever has babies!!!

Hope it goes well for you

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