Pregnancy test help!!

Magic Monkey

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Does anyone know how effective the tests from Ebay are? (highest advanced technology one step test). Have just got what i think is a BFP but don't want to get too excited if they aren't very reliable.

I have tested about 5 times in the last week (POAS anon!) and until last night just had one strong line, last night there was also a very faint line so just tested again and there is a definite second line although it is still much lighter than the control one (it came up within the 5 mins but seems to have got darker!)

I really want to get excited but don't want to get my hopes up!

yeah ive been using them tests and they showed my positive before any 1st response or clear blue did.

i think there quite good, but ive been told tesco own tests are good as they have alot of dye in them

They're amongst the most sensitive tests going, although monster_munch and someone else (sorry can't remember) got a few false lines last month. I'll ask MM to come and tell you about her false ones so you get an idea

Good luck :D
Hey :wave:

Sadly I no longer have the pictures of my tests :doh: But they basically were +ives were the pink line came up in the allotted time, but got darker as the test dried.

I (and most people on here) thought they were BFP's but AF got me.
I think this also happened to Flossy on here.

If I can help in any other way, or you want to ask more questions - please do :)
I got my first BFP both times with the ebay cheapies but they are nowehere near as clear as the tesco and sainsburys ones!
Yes its happened to me 1st time chemical pregnancy and after that the rest were duds. But i still think they are good tests though. :D
thanks everyone, i have done another one of the cheapy ones and it looks positive again but i still don't believe it so i have been to Tesco and bought tesco own brand and cb digital! Am waiting till the morning now so fingers crossed.
Sass, best of luck to you!!!!
We will be sending you baby dust and wishing for the BFP.
(My baby dust has to come all the was across the Atlantic, so it's extra special :wink: ) Get ready to catch goes! ***Scatters some baby dust in the UK direction***
Update us Sass! Did you do another test this morning? :D
sorry can't use the internet at work. Yes i tested again this morning and got a BFP!!!!!! So i am now very excited

thanks again xxx
Yay Sass! :dance: :dance: :dance:
That's great news. Another BFP!!!! I think that babydust works!!!

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