Pregnancy Symptoms


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Do you get more symptoms if you're carrying a girl or is that an old wives' tale?!
hmmm im not sure, i had a boy 1st time and had terrible sickness, this time its not too bad but im more tired...cheri predicted i was going to have a girl so im hopin she is right..i also have completley different symptoms this time round
I had a girl last time and had no symptoms except the occasional feeling of nausea. This time I feel much more sick but its very early days for me so who knows whats to come :?
Well I feel REALLY sick already so maybe we're having a boy then!!!! I've always felt quite strongly that we will end up with boys - don't know why!
I still don't have any symptoms. with my boy had every single symptom there is LOL.
Well girls I think maybe because i am pregnant too soon after my last baby maybe my body is used to pregnancy hormones already? could this be my case? :think:
I'm being nosey again and will run back to TTC in a mo, but I just had to throw a little confusion in. I've got 4 sons and never had morning sickness with any of them! Passed out a lot with my 1st, but sailed through with the others. Now my mum had 3 girls and spent nearly 7 months with all of us throwing up. My 2 sisters have boys (yes we are all dreaming of a girl one day) and Deb was really sick with both her sons, my other sis has one son and had no sickness at all and shes preg now 9 weeks and eating pickled onions again with no sickness. I was told, if your sick as a dog it will be a girl! And if you look like s**t all through your pg, then again its a girl coz she steals your looks, having boys I looked stunning through all my pg :lol: , no honestly :fib:
:lol: :lol: Donna I believe you did look stunning all the way through. I looked positively mingin all through my pregnancy. My sister has 3 boys and was sick every day of her pregnancy with them and my Mum has 3 girls and was exact same so I dont think it matters. I had a girl last time and had hardly any symptoms at all but am much more sick this round :hug:
im the exact oppersite to u snuggle...i had a boy last time and had alot of sickness every day/night u name it..only this time i have hardly any sickness been sick twice in 10 weeks :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Where do I begin? :lol:

With my daughter, hair was coming out in handfuls, was spotty, had a little morning sickness, craved marmite from early on, ate corn on the cob like it was going to be banned, developed an aversion to baked beans and black coffee and put on 2 stone...

With my son, lots of morning sickness (lost my job because of it) craved mash, fruit juices, went off pizza, looked healthy and only put on half a stone (had lost a stone by 2 days after birth, and another half after a week)...

This time? A little nausea, eating marmite on toast, spotty, losing hair...

Now, by my own body's messages, it should be a girl this time! :)
Boo - I've never had a baby before so have no frame of reference!

My mum was saying that with me she WAS very sick but after being sick felt fine - but with my eldest brother just FELT sick all the time (which was worse).

I still reckon ours is a boy - just cos I never imagined us with girls! We are both from families with 3 boys and 1 girl - so genetically speaking there's a male advantage. BUT there is a tradition on my mum's side of the family - she had a girl first then boys and so did her mum!

We'll see!

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