pregnancy symptoms


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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hello ladies

at how many days post ovualtion did y get pregnancy symptoms? I think I am now 4 days past but I am not sure actually and I have some of the pregnancy symptoms but not a great deal. When does it really kick in?after the implantation bleeding?
I didn't get any symptoms at all, apart from period pain and that was so severe i thought i was going to get AF! Didn't test till a week late due to being 100% sure she was coming.
Not everyone has symptoms. Infact most symptoms just feel like AF is coming so that something to be careful, dont try and symptom spot as alot are similar to early pregnancy and it may end in dissapointment.

If you do however, get early symptoms and you want to symptom spot and are confident that you are in tune with your body ect.

Usually an egg takes between 6-10 days after ovulation and of course this all depends on your cycles and how regular you are. Not everyone gets an implantation bleed too so its not solid back up.

Try not too stress too much. If you are not sure when you OV you should buy a handful of cheapie OPK's from ebay and test every day from CD10ish and watch for the lines. Digi ones are good too I didnt get them last month and it was hell as some OPKs are hard to read to I bought some this month to back up my +opk with a digi smiley face :)

good luck :) xxxxx
Hi there,

With my daughter I did not get any symptoms until six weeks with extremely sore boobs!

With my son I was extremely hungry at about 10dpo which made me suspect. I got a bfp at 12dpo and by then I had period like cramps and sore boobs.

From what I've read, we are all different and our experience pregnancy to pregnacy can be different too!

hey, ho, life as a woman!!

Hoping for a bfp for you:dance:

Helen I knew very early I felt the implantation of little N, I was in blockbusters in Wimbledon - doubled over with pain!

Are you experiencing symptons Helen?xx

Apologies for any typos!
with my son I fell pregnant unplanned (but totally happy with it) and didn't think of it. I do remeber being very tired and emotional a few days before I tested.

with my daugther I felt pregnant a week after ovulation.

now I am extremely tired (not tired like I always am but so tired that I cansit on the soa and just fall over. Both kids sleep through the night so I am getting more sleep than ever actually but so tired all the time.

I had some pain at day cd12 amd I am sure it was ovulation necause it was only one side. now I am at cd 17 and have puffy nipples feel more emotional and I have a big aversion for some food. I have been havinf period like camps every morning for 4 days now. I am not trying to see anything in it but I never have these cramps in a normal cycle and when I jave some cramps it is only a day or two before AF arrives.

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