Pregnancy symptoms or wishful thinking


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
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Hi All,
I am new here but felt the need to post as I have been reading the forums for a few months but this month I am slighty confused..think i have pregnancy symptons but could just be my body playing tricks on me

Anyway heres my story.
My and the OH tryed to conceive on the day I ov'd. I knew I was ovulating due to the EWCM. That night I was woke up by a slight stabbing pain in my right side of my abdomen which my sister said could of been an egg releasing. She said she had this feeling with all 3 of her pregnancies..
Anyway I am now 6 dpo and over the past few days have been breaking out in spots, which is unusual for me as I always have had clear skin ever since I was a teen! There are even a few spots on my chest just near my collarbone area. I have also had mild cramps since yesterday which are not like AF cramps at all as I usually suffer with extremly painful periods. These cramps are not what I would call painful but are just quite noticeable. Also had quite itchy and dry nipples and pronounced little dots (dont know the correct words!?) on my areolas. Plus last night when I wiped I had one tiny spot of bright red blood, it was only because I was inspecting the tissue paper that I noticed it lol it was just like somebody had drew a dot with a red pen lol
Also today on the train on the way into work somebody was eating a bacon sandwich with brown sauce right next to me and I kept gagging like I was going ot be sick. I wasnt but I just could not stop my gag reflex! The poor man ended up moving lol

Also today I have noticed my wee smelling extremly strong (soz if TMI) LOL
I don't know whether to get my hopes up but I have never had any of these symptons before?
What do you think?
Also when is the earliest day I can test for a BFP?
My sister said saturday as that will be 10 dpo?
It sounds good to me hun but as we all know on here, our mind can play tricks on us and AF symptoms can mimick preg symptoms, so who knows?

I think 10dp could possibly be too early, so I'd wait til 14dpo or the day of your period being due. Hope you get the result you want! :) x x
aww that all soinds really promising
erm yeah id wait till AF due hun or u might get flase negative just take it easy and chill out
hahah easier sed than done ( im the worst for wanting to POAS!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Ah thank you for your quick replies! So good to know that I ma not going mad lol hopefully this month is our month..but we shall see. I hate this waiting malarky! :( x x x
Also today I have had funny twinges in my right hand side and AF type cramps. Went to the loo just now and had about 5 little spots of bright red blood when wiping. Aslo my cervix is now very low. Could this be impantation? x
It could possibly be, but I've no idea what position the cervix should be in at that point, so I can't help there I'm afraid.

I would test in about a week and keep an eye on the spotting. :)

wen is ur agf due hun??
spotting varies from woman to woman so fingers crossed hun x x
I'm due for AF next wednesday..I am always the 17th of every month. Thats why I thought it may be implantation as its way to early to get AF cramps I usually have really bad cramps the day before I come on..I know its too early to test but its killing me lol and my sister keeps going oh its defo pregnancy and saying I am having exact same symptoms as she had...which makes me get all excited lol x
My sister did the exact same thing, which was pure torture, especially when my period showed up a few days later. :(

Implantation normally occurs in the week before your period, so it is a good sign hun, but try not to analyse it too much - just in case - I hope I don't sound horrible, but it's devastating to be expecting a BFP and then get a BFN.

I really hope this is it for you though, all the best! :D x x
I know what are sisters like ay! I defo ain't reading too much into it, I would absolutely love it if I was because we have been trying for 5 months but if I am not then I guess it wasn't meant to be...and my body is just playing some evil tricks on me lol. Thanks for all your help though everyone I will defo keep you updated on the outcome either way x x x
Sending lots of :dust: to you, I hope AF stays away and that your sister was right! :)

Definitely let us know how you get on hun. x
ohhhh sounds exciting!! I agree with all the others here - its the worst part the 2ww for everyone here. I think I'm in 2ww now but who knows (1st cycle)
Afraid to say its a waiting game but I would not bother testing until AF is late. If you look at the November testing thread you will see there is a heap of us testing on 19th....want to join us??? Put your name down on the thread and it will be updated with you on it too!! Welcome to the madhouse!!
Awww thanks Tracey! I will put my name down now. Soooo good to know that I am not going through this hell alone! x x
I was so dumb and cracked and pressured today..obvs was a bfn :( I am still in with a chance though until AF arrives is that correct? Also today I have had a tinged yellow creamy discharge (soz if tmi) don't know if this is a pregnancy sign? xx
I have heard of it being a sign, yes. But a lot of things that are preg symptoms can also turn out to be nothing, so keep positive but levelheaded (unlike me!).

And no, you're not out til AF arrives! :) x x

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