Pregnancy symptoms, Negative test??


Aug 8, 2010
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Im new to this forum and wondered if anyone has experienced the same as me?

I have a 7 month old baby that myself and my husband tried long and hard for. As we were trying so long for her we decided not to use any contreception aftr she was born and ' if it happened, it happend' we usually use the withdrawal method but mid cycle we didnt one time.
I didnt think much of it as i thought that i wouldnt get pregnant that quick, but before my period was due i had uncontrolable heartburn and exactly the same feelings of last time i was pregnant.
I was convinced but my period turned up, it was shorter than normal and slightly lighter, but i did have 1-2 days of quite heavy bleeding. So naturally assumed that i was not pregnant, but my symptoms have not gone, im having heartburn, sore enlarged breasts, tired, dizzy and every now and again a bit of nausea. I never have sore boobs after my period!!
But i have taken loads of pregnancy tests and they are all negative?

What im wondering has anyone experienced the same and have actually been pregnant? i think im going crazy !! i would be around 5 1/2 weeks now so surely i would get a positive? on my other pregnancy i got a strong positive early on and didnt bleed at all.

Thanks guys, looking forward to getting to know u all x :dance:
Hiya Laura! Where in Derbyshire are you? :)

I haven't experienced anything like that myself, but i would have thought that you would be getting a positive if you was pregnant :oooo:

Sadly, if your symptoms are real then it might indicate that you had a chemical pregnancy.

Basically your egg was fertilised and an embryo formed, but it didn't implant and got flushed out with your period.

These can happen all the time and most women don't even realise, but symtpoms of pregnancy can still occur and because you have been pregnant before you are picking up on them.

Try not to dwell on it though because it isn't the same as a mc.

Maybe take another test in a week or so and if the symptoms are still there but still a negative, maybe go and speak to your GP.

All the best xx
I am in Derbyshire as well!
Where are you?

There is a meet up being arranged by myself and some fellow forum members on here to all go out for dinner and some glasses of wine lol

It will be in october, I will email you the details, if you want to come your more than welcome to?

As for your situation it sounds like a chemical pregnancy, but if you are unsure go and get checked out by your GP.

Donna x
LouiseB - Are you coming to the derbyshire meet up?

All detail's in the 'Girls Room'

Donna xx
Thanks guys,
Your prob right, altho symptoms seem to be getting stronger, i have an appointment at docs on fri,

Do you think it could be a cyst? do they give pregnancy symptoms? gonna insist on a blood test, get them to test for other things and not just pregnancy.
I had a bit of brown spotting today when i wiped.

As for the meet up, i may be able to make it. We are supposed to be going away to my dads caravan before they close for the winter, but it wasnt definate so will let u ladies know if thats ok?

Thanks for the invite :) was really nice of you x x
Hiya...I'm hopeing someone can help either give advice or share there experience??...
My last period was 16th April, I felt ovulation cramps on the 7th of May. I know i(think I know) it was ovulation cramps as I check my cervical mucus and roughly from 4th-9th of may I had that fertile mucus(clear n stretchy). I then forgot about it and didn't pay much attention but I know I had mild cramps here n there the following week after but assumed it must be period on the way. It wasn't untill I had painful cramps and back ache after me n the boyfriend had sex one morning on the 17th may-it lasted atleast half an hour- I'm thinking implantation? Once I felt that pain on the 17th -roughly 10 days after I think I ovulated I stupidly took a test straight away and of course it was negative, 2 days later I took another test and again it was negative...
My cycles are all over the place n annoyingly change from month to month!! A few months ago I had 2 bleeds in one month then nothing for the next 6 weeks. It's now been 5 weeks since my last period. I have all the signs of pregnancy, tired, mood swings, tender nipples, larger breast, mild cramps, back ache, raised temperature, cold n flu, headache, queezy sicky feeling every now n then.. Dehydrated . And p*ssin like a race horse!!!!
I know some of u lady's have had positive results only a few days after ovulation. I took another test today and again it was negative??! As I don't know how long my cycles are I'm going from when I first felt what I think was ovulation cramps (2weeks ago) im guessing that around now should be the time for my period? Or a positive result? (Iv been testing with first response)...??? How long untill I have enough hgc in my blood for the test to detect if that was indeed implantation I felt on the 17th?? -5 days ago. Am I being impatient and testing too soon? Could the negatives be false n I could in fact be pregnant????
Alsooooo thought I'd add in that just before I had my fertile mucus I had really thick white discharge, then around 5 days of clear n stretchy n that's when I had first cramping. It then it all dried up n now it's like white lotion. Does anyone here track n check thers? Do u know how it's supposed to be just before period or a positive result?? Is ther a difference atall?
I have also recently been checking my cervix too and over the past couple of days has gradually gone from being low n hard to high up and a lot softer..which according to google is another good sign?!. I just "feel" pregnant. I know a lot of prego symptoms are also period symptoms too but the fact I felt cramping on what seems like the right days aswell as my cervix being high n soft instead of lower n harder as it should before period I can only assume I am preg but testing too early maybe?? hopefully?!! Has anyone here had a negative n then next day /days got a positive?
But if I ovulated 2 weeks ago n testing with first response - which is obviously suppose to detect hgc even at it's lowest amounts? Why am I still getting negative?
I don't even really know what my question is to be honest!? Thers a lot of questions here lol
Sorry if I'm just rambling on!! .. I just want some help???
If u were me... What would u do?? Would u test again? If so, when?? .
Any replies n input of any sort would be sooooo much appreciated!

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