Pregnancy related or not?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Wondered if any1 else has had this...I had a tattoo done on my wrist about a year ago,it's healed lovely and never been a problem but my wrist has been itchin for the past hour or so and just noticed that the bottom half of my tattoo is raised (like a rash) but def only on the inked parts. Am I just strange? xx
i was relle itchy lastnight i dnt have a tattoo
I get random itches, and actually, my wrist was quite bad last week, but I thought that was exema. My tattoo's been fine, but I've had it for 7 years, so it's pretty well established!
My tt is fine too.

I think you have just had and ich, scratched it to much which has caused it to swell. You have to think of your tat as a scar, if you over scratch a scar that too will raise and look sore.... But it will go back down again later.
I had mine done in April and 3 months later, which coincidently would have been when I was pregnant the first time, it started to raise up and itch like mad. It did it about 5 times and I just put lotion on it. It hasn't done it this pregnancy though? So no, you're not strange!
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Hey Hun mine did that on my back itnwent. Itchy and raised!!! It went down after I had a bath and popped some cream on it!! X x
The one on my wrist puffs up sometimes, usually from over heating, or if ive been itching it, its just the scar getting a lil irritated, some cold water run over it usually does the job for me :)

I get this on 3/4 of my tattoos, had it even before i was preggo, but your skin does itch more when preggo soooo yeah lol
Yep this happen's to mine on my wrists to lol I was told you get itchy wrists while pregnant to hmmm lol x
My wrist tats sometimes become raised if I get too hot and sometimes it feels a little like prickly heat. The skin on the inside of the wrist is quite sensitive so I wouldn't have thought it was anything to do with the tat itself :)
I would love a tatoo, but I'm a chicken! I am gettiong older (37) and don't want a saggy arm tatoo
~I wanted a pretty ivy type ring /or Daisy chain around bicep bit top of arm, but you could end up wth a saggy back of arm in a few years! arghh
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Ah dont be chicken! They dont hurt, Piercings hurt way more! After the inital "Oohh" the neddle in the tattoo machine is just annoying, just vibrates, and makes far to much freakin noise! Ugh I need to take earplugs with me next time i hate hate hate that noise!

That said.. none of mine are in particularly changeable places.. so pretty safe unless I gain 400 lbs LOL Mine are all over a bone (ankle, collarbone, spine, forearm bones) rather than on padded parts of skin, thatd be a bit iffy on staying nice i think. But meh, im gonna have more, no doubt one will end up on a thigh or something!
Mine did this all the time I don't know why though. Just a thing I think. Mine still does it now and it used to do it before :) x

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