Tattoo on inside of wrist?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I've been thinking of maybe getting a tattoo with my children's initials.
I'd like it somewhere where it's visible day to day, (not like my ankle, that would just stay hidden all the time), i don't really have a figure to have it on the bottom on my back, and i'd like to see if myself too!

I was thinking of the inside of my wrist. I would have the initials B and O and the baby's too.

I'd like it small enough so that I could wear a watch that would cover up most if not all of it so if I need to go somewhere posh it's not an issue or needing to cover it up for work etc.

Just really wanted people's opinion's on it really.
Do you think it would look tacky?

Though a part of me wonders what I'd be like as an 80 year old woman with a tattoo on the wrist.... :?
When I have had Pip I'm getting one done on my wrist too. like you said its visible but not to the point where if you wanted to hide it you couldn't. But with the initials thing. I would either get the full names underneath each other or you would have to put the baby's initial in between as I don't think B,O is a good look! :)
My sister has her childrens names in like a thing bracelet around her wrist! It looks nice!
im having my OH's initials and a chinese symbol done on my left inner wrist (eventually).
Be careful though hun. The place where my OH goes for his said parts of it looked too small to stick. (Dont really know why, maybe to do with the area or maybe cos im fair skinned?)
I think it will look lovely, but i would incoperate a design to it too...not just the initials :)
I have stars on the inside of my wrist, i love it :D
yep i would have a design or something. i haven't really thought about designs or anything yet.
i just wanted people's opinion's on the whole idea of it first!

and yes BO wouldn't go lol, and neither would benjamin's middle initial either, it would be BJ lmao
i have Ollie short for Oliver on my Right inside wrist cus im left handed, i have it in baby blue too looks really nice
I have S B on my left wrist, ( the same as victoria and david beckhams)
I have had it about 2 years now and its not something that gets noticed easily but it doesn't look tacky either.
The key for it not looking tacky is going for a real classy lettering.
My OH has my name tatooed all fancy smancy on the inside of his elbow sorta thing and hes planning to get LO's name either underneath joined to the swirly bits of mine, or on the other arm.

Thinking about it this could possibley be the reason he keeps rejecting all my name ideas longer than about 5 letters :think:
heres my tattoo on my left wrist and i absoluty love it.

I've got 2 tattoos on the inside of my right wrist. An angel and the first part of my name 'Jo'. I am planning to get 'Ann' put on the left wrist but I haven't gotten round to it! :lol:
I am planning to get Aimee's name done. I don't think it is tacky at all.
I plan on getting one for this baby on my wrist when she's here. I dotn think i'll have her name, but it'll be some sort of symbol for her (if that makes sense lol) I dont think they're tacky and names do look good, they've jsut gotta be done properly

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