You are so right Amylize! I havent let anyone change my attitude so far! I think with my younger sister, part of the whole thing is that she was 19 when she had her first, and wasnt in a good relationship. It was a tough time for her. So her experiences may not be of a relaxed first pregnancy. Whereas I am happily married, in my 30's and ready for what this pregnancy brings! I guess everyones circumstances are different, so theyre experiences and memories will be different too.
My Mum isnt so bad with the horror stories, but did look concerned when I mentioned taking full maternity! Thats what Mums do though no matter what age we are!!
I fell inthe snow last wednesday and luckily on my bum! my mum kept going on and on about going to the A & E. I put my foot down saying i felt fine and there is nothing to worry about! I was beginging to get really pissed off with people saying go! If i felt any need within myself i would have but i felt Beth kicking away all day and generally speaking i shocked myself more than anything....