Pregnancy Horror Stories!!???!!

You are so right Amylize! I havent let anyone change my attitude so far! I think with my younger sister, part of the whole thing is that she was 19 when she had her first, and wasnt in a good relationship. It was a tough time for her. So her experiences may not be of a relaxed first pregnancy. Whereas I am happily married, in my 30's and ready for what this pregnancy brings! I guess everyones circumstances are different, so theyre experiences and memories will be different too.
My Mum isnt so bad with the horror stories, but did look concerned when I mentioned taking full maternity! Thats what Mums do though no matter what age we are!!


I fell inthe snow last wednesday and luckily on my bum! my mum kept going on and on about going to the A & E. I put my foot down saying i felt fine and there is nothing to worry about! I was beginging to get really pissed off with people saying go! If i felt any need within myself i would have but i felt Beth kicking away all day and generally speaking i shocked myself more than anything....

Wow, snow in April! We had a few flakes of snow fall last week, but nothing heavy and it didnt lie! Luckily you didnt fall on your tummy, I think you would know yourself if you needed to get checked out, and as you say you felt your wee one kicking about! Sometimes people treat pregnant ladies like theyre made of paper! lol. I guess hearts in the right place though, and it is just out of love and concern! xx
I think it's just a really unfortunate part of pregnancy- you suddenly become public property! X

This is sooooo true!! most people seem to think that they can either tell you how your life will be or touch your bump, I tend to smile and nod as they tell me what a monster my child will be and how I'll get no sleep.

My SIL was moaning about how how hard her life is and that she cant go on a two week holiday without her kids - erm, hello?! Why would you even want to have any children if you dont want to be with them?

I think we're all sensible and realise its not going to be a walk in the park, but we'll love our LO's so very very much and thats why its worth it all.

Snow...blimey we have had sunshine mixed in with rain in Bournemouth :)

I fell over when I was about 10 weeks gone, I landed on my knees and my mum was the same, she rang me every night to check I was ok and that the baby was ok, she tried to get me to go to the hospital but I said I wasn;t wasting their time unless I needed too..

I haven;t had too much bump grabbing, there are really only 2 people that do it without asking and I wouldn;t expect any less from them, it's one of my best friends partners (which is a bit weird but like I say totally expected!!) and my Uncle , again totally expected...

Women don;t grab bump so much without asking :)
It doesn't matter what you do, someone will comment - i'm only planning on taking 11 weeks off so lots of "ooh you'll never be able to do that", "aren't you worried about the effect it will have on your baby" etc so they still get at you even when you don't take full leave.

I had a sore back a couple of weeks ago, only for one friend/employee to tell me I probably had a split pelvis and would be on crutches for the whole of my pregnancy and unable to work. She also told this to the other (male) partner in my business, resulting in much unnecessary worry for him too. I am of course fine now. Yes I know these things can happen but why worry yourself silly. common things occur commonly - back pain is much more likely ligament stretching not a split pelvis / broken pelvis / 1001 other very unlikely problems that I don't want to think about.

And breathe...
ohhh so frustrating!!!! I think some people just don't think before they open their mouths!! Back pain and general aches and pains are to be expected...think we all know that lol !
I havent had the bump grabbing at all yet...thank goodness, I think that would really really irritate me, hate people getting into my personal space as it is!!! xx
Omg what is with people who do this?!
At my FIL's funeral yesterday, I had his sister tell me horror stories of stitches, forceps, tears and cracked nipples! I kept saying 'I'm trying not to think about it, I'll just deal with it when the time comes' - and then she'd still be going off in great detail about everything I really don't want to hear.
Not the time or place for a start!! And really not at all what I wanted to be conversing about! Lol x

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Hi ladies, can't help sticking my head in here every so often still!:)
I must have been lucky, but no one ever tried to tell me horror stories while I was pregnant and as a result i went into my labours without any preconceptions, relaxed and with a take it as it comes attitude. I had 2 very quick, drug free births and even managed a water birth second time around. and yes, i acknowledge that I was lucky.
Some people seem to class themselves as "ill" from the moment they discover they're pregnant, and anticipate labour and birth as being awful, traumatic events..when really it's the most natural thing a woman can do and what our bodies have been designed to do and have been doing for thousands of years. Yes, sometimes intervention is necessary, but there's certainly no need for people to assume they will need every drug going and every kind of assistance available.
As one of the ladies here has already said, every labour and birth experience is different, and none of us can control what the event will be like for us. Certainly, being mature enough to deal with the experience helps but it's certainly not a free pass to a trouble free birth.
Definitely agree that a lot of women who have had babies now seem to consider themselves to be experts in the field . I think the only thing that any of us can say for certain is that everyone reacts differently to the stresses ( both physical and mental) of labour and the early weeks of baby's life ... And there's no shame in being one of the people who finds the process difficult . But that's not to say that the labour/birth process WILL be difficult .. It's oranges and apples for people... And all any of us can do is roll with it and above all remember that none of it lasts forever...not the pain of labour or the sleepless some stage we all look back on the experience with nostalgia and pride.:)
omg Jayjay, that is so inappropriate of your sil, esp at a funeral !! I dont know why people like to tell horror stories, you'd think they would want to ease any fears, not create them!! The fact is everyones circumstances are different, every pregnancy and birth is different, so her experience will most likely be different from yours!
My sister started a detailed description of child birth when we were out for a meal for my Mums birthday last wkend!! She changed her story from it being horrendous pain, to only painful when the head comes out!! She also kindly informed me that with an epidural some people have been left paralysed from the waist up!! And to top it all off, she is of the opinion I am going to get all the pain relief going......
Omg what is with people who do this?!
At my FIL's funeral yesterday, I had his sister tell me horror stories of stitches, forceps, tears and cracked nipples! I kept saying 'I'm trying not to think about it, I'll just deal with it when the time comes' - and then she'd still be going off in great detail about everything I really don't want to hear.
Not the time or place for a start!! And really not at all what I wanted to be conversing about! Lol x

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OMGoodness sweetie I can't believe that anyone would even bring that up.... surely Labour was the last thing you were thinking about at the time.

Some people are so insensitive

Hope you, hubby and Sophia are OK.

Hugs xx

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