Pregnancy Forum Village

The first page hasn't been updated yet so it still has tiny as revealed not take. And bearsmummy still blank x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
But you still get to vote munch, there's seven votes each but only six of each left that count at the end, so literally whoever gets this tonight has won by one x
Yep.. Still think I was right about you stace.. HV!! We'll soon see :D

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Hello :wave:

Income support messed up my payment so had to go to the chavvy job centre, wished I had clothes and gold hoop earrings to look the part! Jezza would have a field day in their. Then to town - Spent a fortune in boots! Infacol will bankrupt me,then I had Krista round. EMily isn't in bed yet.......oops She looks too comfy in her bouncer!

So finally tonight!!!!! Tbh, I'm either think as S**t or I have really bad baby brain and haven't had enought time to keep up with it all throughout the game! - Still a bit lost :roll::lol:
Stace is def a hv!!
I really did think pinky's a mummy but my bets on Vix being a mummy!
I've voted but if a mummy has voted for august mummy or vix then we've lost.. Are all known mummies here???

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
That's it mummies lost, a mummy must of voted vix too.. Where's the team work girls :( mummies have lost, I doubt vix is a HV now x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Why didn't all mummies vote as a group :(

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Tonight the majority voted for Vixforever and she was a
Mummy :dohh:

Still waiting on the hv's to capture their final mummy :)

Well done hv's :yay:

Who were you ? Not me anyway :shakehead:

Well guys did you enjoy the game? :love:
Tut tut no team work :(

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
I was a evil hv! really enjoyed the game even though i got confused at times! x
Knew it! And stace! Knew it :p

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)

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