Pregnancy brain!?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Has any1 else had this? Wen did it start? I'm only 4 weeks gone and already doin stupid things...just nearly set my house on fire...had finished cookin and put my wooden chopping board on top of the hob ready 4 washon,luckily I'd stayed in kitchen cos I'd left the gas hob on...I now have a lovely charred circle slap bang in the middle of the board-whoops!
Tell me about it!!

I've got this lovely greasy cold cream cleanser that's great for cutting through make up - only I decided it would make a good shampoo the other day and promptly stuck a handful on my hair! Needless to say, it took several washes with 'real' shampoo to get it out!
Also drove to Norwich, the city near me, and as soon as I got to the ring road I completely forgot where I was and where I should be going. Ended up pulling over for 10 minutes to work out who I was and how I possibly drove the 20 miles there cos I didn't know for the life of me how to work my contraption of a car!!

Scary really isn't it?
Oh Emma if that wasn't soo dangerous that would be hilarious!

Yeah I have the preggers brain too, so annoying , can't think properly at work and I unfortunately work with numbers , not my strong point anyway!

I gave up caffine to TTC this time round and that really doesn't help in the mornings, it's month end at the moment and so need to be switched on, so have been having caffine when really desperate!!
My driving has become so bad lately, my mind must just be preoccupied.
Yep burning things all over the shop and last week left a pan with oil in it for my hubbys steak and forgot :oops: Looked around and 2ft flames :rofl:

the lil kids are still saying 'No more fire mummy' :blush:
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I shouldn't laugh but :rofl:

I'm not sure my brain ever recovered...I just don't have a good excuse for finding the tv remote in the fridge any more :blush:
Oh thanks god, Its not just me with the fridge fairy, EVERYTHING seems to be in there ! I was looking for my phone charger.. In the fridge, I was looking for my Scan date Card thing, In the fridge.. And even the phone was found in the fridge after being lost for three days >.< Whats worse is its not just at my house.. I go to my sisters house regularly and she couldnt find her hair straightners.. Yeah they were in the fridge.
I had this around that time and still have it! I put my tea in the grill instead of the oven and ruined it burst into tears like it was the worst thing in the world ane then i put a can of deodorant in the washing machine argh!
I have this too and it seemed to start immediatly! Lol x I forget what I'm saying and have to just abandon the conversation completely x OH and I went to the local shop yesterday and I forgot how to get there! Put my daughters school uniform in the oven (thankfully it was turned off) after telling her off for not putting it in the washing machine! And my most embarrasing one yet-I text my friend Rachel the other day to say we're having a boy, had a full blown conversation with her then asked how her son and fella were and found out I'd been texting the wrong Rachel! I was talking to a mum from school that I haven't actually ever spoken to properly in real life! Lmfao!!! No fires yet though mamafy!!!!!
Omg I sooooo have pregnancy brain I hVe lost and found I may add lol my keys three times once on the fridge freezer, once behind the bread bin haha and the other time in between my bedsheets hahHHa :rotfl: I also lost my bank card last week and had to phone up and get a new one and I went to the shop Nd left my husbands car house and caravan keys on the counter luckily we were at the caravan at the time so they keys were put up otherwise we would hVe been stuck in summerset hahahaha it's got so bad I now have a mahoozive key chain on my keys and have been ordered to leVe them on the third step up and my husband has got my bank card and if I need it it goes with my keys hahahahaha! Oops!! :rotfl:
I am so glad it isn't just me, i thought it was to early on, but def having pregnancy brain.

I will be in mid conversation and forget what i am talking about. I poured jucie on my cereals instead of milk this morning. Then at the beginning of the week i went and got some milk in from the small local shop, then did an on-line shop, adding milk again, which left me with 4 x 4 pints of full fat and 3 x 2 pints of semi, double the amount normally needed. oooppppsss

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