pregnancy after bring on depo.


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Feb 11, 2009
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hi, i recently found out i am around 4 weeks pregnant with my second child. i have fallen pregnant within 2 months of not having my depo injection which i was on for almost 3 years, im worried that having been on the depo it may have a negative effect on my pregnancy. anyone have any infomation or experience. thanks
I don't know, but I can't find anything on the internet about it harming your baby - it seems to be more a matter of you are incredibly lucky to have started ovulating again so soon! I would ask your doctor TBH.
Congratulations on your bfp. :cheer:
My depo ended on 7th jan and we are ttc. I went for a check up in december and she gave me tablets to try to induce ovulation. She told me there is no risk of depo harming if you get pregnant so soon. I still havnt had af yet, so im waiting. Did you get af straight after missing your depo injection? You are soooo lucky- ive had nothing yet :(
I wouldnt worry, my sister in law got preg after depo and her baby is perfectly healthy.

I too am pg after recently stopping the depo....couldn't quite believe I could be pg as I hadn't had a period yet. I came off depo once before and it took about 18 months before my periods came back. This time I was pg within 3.

Anyway....I'm pretty sure that being pg means that its out of your system and so all should be fine. I have seen the midwife, doctor and had a scan and noone raised any concerns to me.

My husband obviously thinks that me being pg so quickly is down to him being some kind of super fertile stud - tsssk! Still. I'll let him think that (as long as he brings me strawberry milkshakes whenever I ask) haha!
I dont think there is any effects when it comes to getting pregnant after the depo.
Congratulations hun you are one of the lucky ones to fall so fast. Took me 9 months to concieve.
I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months :D

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