Hi girls,
Let me suggest very important point here. it is trues that just like every other medication pregnacare might not work for everyone, but i want you to be aware of enemies of progress in this forum. Most of those people that talked negative about this pregnacare used almost the same words, statement and the same conclusion. Be careful not to miss the good things pregnacare has to offer those who are TTC. Here is my story, a friend of mine did IVF 5 times without taking pregnacare, then the 6th time she tried pregnacare and she got BFP. So when i wanted to start Ivf she introduced me to the vitamins, i got BFP just the first IVF. "he who knows how to pound, pound in the mortar, he who does not know how to pound, pound on the floor." Before you take any decision try pregnacare and have faith in it, to see if it is for you. Do not have negative mind while you are trying pregnacare.
i great you all and i wish you the best.