Pre labour?


Dec 23, 2017
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Im 37+3 and think baby dropped towards the beginning of the week, the pressure is ridiculous and walking is a nightmare. For the past few days ive had almost constant period like pains. Yesterday afternoon i lost what i think must be some of my mucous plug. Small, clear, and almost jelly like. Then last night the pains were really bad and i had what felt like contractions about every 20 mins, getting stronger. Kept me awake half the night. Id manage to drift off between them but theyd wake me back up again. Then all of a sudden stopped and havent started again. Could it be things slowly starting or more likely just strong BH? I did have sex about an hour before they started though so maybe just that (didnt orgasm though as i was too uncomfortable 😞?
It can be quite normal to have a few episodes like this before you go into labour. I always had a few nights I though it was starting and then things would ease off again. Then once it did get going it was quite quick. Good luck for when the time comes. x

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I didn't have any pains at all before labour started. My plug started to go a week or so before, but the majority was lost 24 hours before labour and I had the bloody show just an hour or so before.
I remember being very tired that day and then having a strong urge to tidy the house when I woke just as contractions started that night. My waters didnt go until I was ready for the hospital.
My contractions were waves of period like pains and back pain to start with and gradually got stronger, more unbearable and nothing like period pains at all. I felt contractions mostly through my back, hips and legs and they were 3 mins apart right from the start but I know it's different for everyone.
I was told braxton hicks don't get stronger or more frequent so maybe you are in slow, early labour?
It sounds like things may be getting a move on for you, good luck! :)

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