On the edge of pre-eclampsia? Seriously?!


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2011
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Oh feck :mad: Went to the docs with swollen hands, feet and face and have been told I have slightly too high blood pressure and slightly too much protein in my urine, which all adds up to me not having full blown pre-eclampsia yet, but being right on the edge- I suppose that's pre-pre-eclampsia, lol. At least it's not there yet, but I do have to go to the docs every morning for 2 weeks to monitor it. Also found out my mum had it severely, which I had no idea.

Lol, guys, remember when I asked if there was anything else I could develop in this pregnancy? Guess that was a yes! :roll: Gotta smile, or else I'll cry! x
oh god so sorry to hear that hun!!! hopefully it wont go into full blown mode!!!
My mum had it too on her second pregnancy. She went for her anomaly scan at 21 weeks and never left hospital till after a week after my brother had been born. Imagine being in hospital that long on bed rest and daily steriod injections incse of premture labour! Hoping I don't get it!!!
Thanks babe, yeah here's hoping it won't develop before babba comes. Although if it meant I have to have an early induction once 37 weeks pass, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

Oh yeah, forgot to say- I also have a kidney infection! OH JOY!
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God ur really going through it atm :hug: at least ur 35 weeks now and its not so risky for baby to be born now if need be! what are they gonna do about the kidney infection??
Yep, wouldn't mind a 2 week early halloween baby!

Antibiotics, I believe. Tis poo. Was weird to find out mum had pre-e, though- just phoned my dad thinking 'he's not going to have a clue what this is', and he was all knowledgeable about it! Bless, me and my sis are 29 and 25, I'm amazed he remembers it, lol! Got an odd little shock like a kind of connection with my mum when he told me, god rest her. x
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Sorry to hear this hunny, fingers crossed they manage to control it until little one is ready x x
:hug: :hug: i hope things start looking up for u now babe xxx

And for you my love, you're going through enough yourself. I reckon you and I need to take our OHs credit cards and book a weekend in a very expensive spa together, lol! xxx
Oh feck :mad: Went to the docs with swollen hands, feet and face and have been told I have slightly too high blood pressure and slightly too much protein in my urine, which all adds up to me not having full blown pre-eclampsia yet, but being right on the edge- I suppose that's pre-pre-eclampsia, lol. At least it's not there yet, but I do have to go to the docs every morning for 2 weeks to monitor it. Also found out my mum had it severely, which I had no idea.

Lol, guys, remember when I asked if there was anything else I could develop in this pregnancy? Guess that was a yes! :roll: Gotta smile, or else I'll cry! x
oh hun really feel for u i'm in the same postion was nearly admitted mon night !! waiting for mw to come and check me over today. get plenty of rest !!! cant get over everything that is happen to the girls in tri3 !!! :hugs::hugs:
:hug: :hug: i hope things start looking up for u now babe xxx

And for you my love, you're going through enough yourself. I reckon you and I need to take our OHs credit cards and book a weekend in a very expensive spa together, lol! xxx

Sounds like a great idea!!!!

I can't believe all the drama in tri3 either!! Supposed to be the exciting tri with all the (full term) labour watches etc! Xx
Oh yeah, loads of us are having health scares and stresses in tri 3, aren't we? What a pain!
Blimey hun, hope it does settle down and does not turn into pre-e. U are so close to full term so holding out til then would be great little baby :-) either way as long as u r ok and being monitored that's the main thing. Sounds like u need to take to your bed/sofa and do some serious feet up relaxing to try to get things settled down in your body. Keep us posted xxx
I'm sure I read somewhere that pre eclampsia can sometimes be heriditory. I've had quite severe swelling in my feet and a couple of water infections. I found out that my mom developed it at 37 weeks with my sister and had to have an induction.
Fingers crossed it doesn't become full blown pre eclampsia hun, but put your feet up and take it really easy hun
aw u poor thing hun :(
My mum had pre-eclampsia and septicema (sp?) on my younger sister and had her 7 weeks early.
She had been admitted to hospital a week before to try and control it and they then decided to do a c-section but the night before she went into natural labour. They gave her an epidural cos that can lower the bp as far as I know.
FX it doesnt develop for you hun but if baby has to come soon then at least its not too early
Oh god, sounds like your going through alot.

Hope it works out for you, maybe it will hold off & not get any worse til your induction date, worst comes to worst they will induce you a few days early, you dont have long to go so try not to worry too much.


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