Right I am probably gonna get a lot of stick but here goes..
I had a very volatile upbringing but couldnt discuss now because it is something that stays locked deep inside and will never be coming out.
When I was 18 I got pregnant and my mum said you have an abortion or you get out,guess what i did I had the abortion
At that time I was earning £60 a week as a secretary,I thought stuff this went to a local factory and suddenely was earning £300 plus a week,so i saved like mad and bought my first house for £30k when I had been in my house 6 months I got laid off and thought crap,what do I do now? I went to every nursing home (had no care experience!) and found a job (which I loved) earning £120 a week,after all my bills I had £6 for food,lol. Had a lovely figre though
In all this time I had been single then met my hubby,now he was loaded financially but I never ever told him of my situation he never knew what i earnt etc etc...and eventually i let him move in after 6 years so received no help even then i only charged him £40 a week.
Now in the mean time (your thinking get to the point) both my sisters fell pregnant and were single mums on benefits but got a lot of financial help from my mum she bought everything,now this used to Pee me off as at that time I couldnt eat (before hubby moved in) but no I was standing on my own two feet. One of my sisters met a guy and she no lonegr is a single mum,buyt the otehr one is and she smokes,goes clubbing and lives in a shit hole basicaly her house is lovely but she doesnt do it it is a pit!!I could go on and on but wont. She gets her money she gets financial help from my mum and has never had to worry ever about anything,all her daughetrs clothes are from next you get the picture?
I am lucky I dont have to worry or struggle financially for anything,but the point is there has been a time where I have but with me it was pride! I am a very lucky woman in respect i can buy my DD whatever I like we have three holidays a year (one abroad) (not that loaded,lol) but at teh end of the day if all the money was taken away I would still be happy i have my hubby and DD and as long as bills are paid I am ok.
I dont suppose anything i have just wrote makes any sense or has any relevance. But you kknow I cried when i see those girls last night,cried for the way society is today.......Everyday I hate myself for having that abortion when I have proved that i could have coped with the babe and having nothing,I wish i knew then what i knew now