pram face

Cambridge :cheer: hang on a min that might not be the middle,reckon i have to go further than you :doh: :lol: xx
maybe i should just bake a cake and invite you all here at mine! :cheer:
budge said:
maybe i should just bake a cake and invite you all here at mine! :cheer:

Now that's a good idea,we can all go and stay with budge for a week :rotfl: xx
yay!!! let me know and ill get the tent pitched up in the garden!!! Have you ever used a porta pottti??? :rotfl:
budge said:
yay!!! let me know and ill get the tent pitched up in the garden!!! Have you ever used a porta pottti??? :rotfl:

I am a special guest so i should get to have a bedroom with en-suite,everyone else can sleep in the garden :rotfl: xx
yeah well ill put the porta potti in your pod in the tent then . :rotfl:
budge said:
yeah well ill put the porta potti in your pod in the tent then . :rotfl:

Is that a potti with blue stuff down it hun,i don't want that in my bedroom :shakehead: :rotfl: xx
:rotfl: snort snort!!!!

you did say oyuo wanted en suite! :rotfl:

Well here i am,must say the tent is a tad small and where is the cake :rotfl: xx
Right I am probably gonna get a lot of stick but here goes..

I had a very volatile upbringing but couldnt discuss now because it is something that stays locked deep inside and will never be coming out.

When I was 18 I got pregnant and my mum said you have an abortion or you get out,guess what i did I had the abortion :oops:

At that time I was earning £60 a week as a secretary,I thought stuff this went to a local factory and suddenely was earning £300 plus a week,so i saved like mad and bought my first house for £30k when I had been in my house 6 months I got laid off and thought crap,what do I do now? I went to every nursing home (had no care experience!) and found a job (which I loved) earning £120 a week,after all my bills I had £6 for food,lol. Had a lovely figre though :rotfl:

In all this time I had been single then met my hubby,now he was loaded financially but I never ever told him of my situation he never knew what i earnt etc etc...and eventually i let him move in after 6 years so received no help even then i only charged him £40 a week.

Now in the mean time (your thinking get to the point) both my sisters fell pregnant and were single mums on benefits but got a lot of financial help from my mum she bought everything,now this used to Pee me off as at that time I couldnt eat (before hubby moved in) but no I was standing on my own two feet. One of my sisters met a guy and she no lonegr is a single mum,buyt the otehr one is and she smokes,goes clubbing and lives in a shit hole basicaly her house is lovely but she doesnt do it it is a pit!!I could go on and on but wont. She gets her money she gets financial help from my mum and has never had to worry ever about anything,all her daughetrs clothes are from next you get the picture?

I am lucky I dont have to worry or struggle financially for anything,but the point is there has been a time where I have but with me it was pride! I am a very lucky woman in respect i can buy my DD whatever I like we have three holidays a year (one abroad) (not that loaded,lol) but at teh end of the day if all the money was taken away I would still be happy i have my hubby and DD and as long as bills are paid I am ok.

I dont suppose anything i have just wrote makes any sense or has any relevance. But you kknow I cried when i see those girls last night,cried for the way society is today.......Everyday I hate myself for having that abortion when I have proved that i could have coped with the babe and having nothing,I wish i knew then what i knew now
bexxie you done what you thught was right at the time sending you massive
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I wont say the reson but my mum wanted me to have an abortion too at 17. I refused and she kicked me out. I spent the next 15 motnhs in a hostel. It wasnt great. one tiny room for me and bubs and shared kitchen and bathroom. was very cold too. had to pay 10.50 a week.
Got £98.16 in benifits and milk tokens.
Finally got my 2 bedroom house for Jaycees 1st bday. had so much work to be done on it. had to buy carpet, wallpapar/paint curtains etc..basically a whole house. A new kitchen out of my own money. 2nd bday has gone and we still not done totally. bathroom needs doing. i done Jaycees room and mine 1st then done the rest. it wasnt cheap even tho we got the cheapest of everything. We even needed to plaster the walls coz it was only plasterboard. I only get 80 a week now and need to pay gas electric water tv etc bills. i give up smoking, i go out maybe once every 2 months if im lucky and i hvent drunk since i fell pregnant so its only cheap drinks when i go out.
My daughter has plenty of clothes, eats healthily and well. We have the odd luxury and go to see my dad in lanzarote 2 times a yr. I have no qualifications, not even GCSE and i find learning very difficult unless its 'hands-on'. there is no point in me going to work co id have less money than i do now and i wont get to bring my baby up by myself not some stranger. when she is at nursery i will do part time work somewhere but ti then im happy being at home with her and watching her grow.
We dont shop at next or gap, we go to primark! Love it! I have the clothes i need from the market and so does she. she has plenty of toys and she will grow to respect every penny she has.
i agree those girls shouldnt be smoking and drinking and going out. its stupid to put ur child thru that just so u can go out and get drunk and look good in ur new clothes!
I like the way i live and when i have more money i intend on buying a place of my own. its not hard to save once in a while!
Oh, and even now, i dont have double glased windows and its freezing...but i DO put the heating on!!
sorry if im wrong but you seem very happy in your situations at the moment i wish i could afford to go out once every few months but we cant, we cant even afford food in the cupboards most of the time and have to rely on OH mum. Ive tryed going out looking for work ive even cleand stinking toilets for £15 a week but at the end of theday it still gets us npthing because OH works more than 24 hours a week we arent entitle to a council house, housing benefit for a £450 rented home and OH only earns £900 a month. Thats not including all the bills gas leccy and all that we have had to file for bankrupsy as its so bad we got more going out than coming in.However we do get child benefit £116 a month and tax credits all in is £145 a month but its still crap compared to some people who dont work get.
Their is a couple i know who screw thesocial rotten and have everything they even have 2 houses because they both claim for single parent stuff im sorry but they make me sixk cos their is nothing stopping them working except their too busy poping babies they cant even look after proper.

I cant complain as our house is warm clean and not damp but at the end of the day if we were in a council house we would at least be able to feed ourselfs and not rely on hand outs from his mum.
True, i suggest gong to the council again. ask for a place that u can pay half the rent for. my house is 92 a week and its all paid in housing benifit but when we get enough money i will contribute.
And when i go out (if i get to) i buy one orange J20 costing £1.80 to last the night.
i ring the council every week and get told the same story that because we are staying here we will not be considered for a house.

never mind they do say good things come to people who wait *still waiting after 5 years*
You two have made me feel very humble. I moan all the time and i'm you girls are a credit to your children.

A few good sites for making money just in case your intersted are fantastic get paid for doing nothing.
And when we needed money I went on eBay,I used to do the charity shops for designer and get good prices on eBay. I once bought a set of books in a box for 25p and sold for £54 I did e-mail the seller but he said not to worry he was happy to pay this amount,WTF. They do lovely kids clothes on eBay too....have got Chloe loads.

Take care bex
if it wasnt for ebay i would be walking around in my B/day suit... :lol:

we do sell junk on ebay well its junk to us but people do buy them so i guess its good in a way as it gets us clothes and parts if the car needs something

i do alot of online surveys and stuff but still isnt enough to live on but hopefully something will pop up soon :D
i aint even got a gcse, i thought ild never get a good job i only used to go for cleaning jobs and thought it was all i was good anough for but it as so tiring and couldnt stand cleaning poo all day. but i went for a interview for bt with no hope in the world of getting it. but i talked my way through it and now im earning good money not bad for some one who got E's and F's in all their gcse's :)

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