pram face

i agree with both sides but budge you are being a bit rude i do believe she should have the heating on and theres no way i would have my babys cot near all that damp but me and my partner split when jake was 5 months old and i was a single mum in temp accomodation and it was tuff i had to scrape by and i didnt smoke or go out i was stuck in between four walls with no help i do feel empathy for those girls even though they have been doing things that are a little wrong they love thier kids you can see that and they have had difficult upringings my partner has a good job now and im thankfull we are back together and i can stay at home and look after my babies now but i dont know what i d do on my own i dont think its fair to critisise when you havent led there life.
i can understand why you are so mad bubble, especially if you have had worse. how did u cope with no one for such a long time :(
its not like im a little posh girl lol far from i was raised on a very rough council estate mum and dad have always wrked but never been flush but my mum and now myself we always make the most of the money we do have.

that girl did come accross a loving good mother but then when i seen the heating ect :roll:

well im off to bed and feel lucky now my kiddies are all fresh and tuck up warm in bed :angel:
hevwithbump said:
can i just ask what was there christmas dinner?
a mini sausage roll, biscuit and a cup cake

but she still seemed to love them lil boys :(

any one else loving her sons names? os is it just me 'Caleb & Harlen'
i might have to have another baby :shhh: ohhh yeah :think: but it needs to be a boy :doh:
its a case of having to dionne, when your in a situation like that its the only thing that you can do - i think the only time i hit rock bottom was when i got home with kurt about 5pm one day and where my garden was literally on the street with no fence or anything to protect it people could just walk up to my back door from the street :shock:
i noticed walking round to the front door that somebody had covered my windows in egg and flour - didnt think much of it until i walked through the front door and found everything trashed :( they had forced the top window open and put there hand through to open the bigger window to climb through they didnt take anything - not that i had anything worth taking anyway but it was just the fact that it was the only place i felt slightly safe and secure for me and my baby had been invaded by a stranger made me feel physically sick.

its not like im a little posh girl lol far from i was raised on a very rough council estate mum and dad have always wrked but never been flush but my mum and now myself we always make the most of the money we do have.

that bit made me laugh not because of what you said but because of the way my parents live now and how they have always lived for as long as i can remember.
the relationship i had with my parents up until my sister was born when i was 3 from what i can remember was ok - not that i remember much from that age though :lol:
just after my sister was born she was diagnosed with chronic brittle asthma (please dont take anything i say the wrong way now i dont blame her for any of it and dont resent her for any of it at all) she was in and out of intensive care constantly she spent more time in hospital than she did at home, they amount oftimes i saw my sister go blue and stop breathing was unbelievable, due to this up until i was 6 when my nan died i spent 95% of my time at my nans house she did everything for me she was more of a mum figure rather than a nan. When she died it ripped me to pieces but still my parents barely even remembered i was there because all their attention was focused on my sister.
Neither of us ever wanted for anything we were taken on holiday abroad twice a year - i have travelled half way round the world and back again, clothes when we wanted, toys when we wanted. we were spoilt brats il admit it! the only thing we never got was love. - Please dont feel sorry for me neither coz it really doesnt bother me anymore.
When i was 13 they took us to the bahamas an island called paradise island turned out to be far from paradise. something happened to me whilst i was there and it all went to the police and statments were took etc etc a year later we got a letter from them asking me to give evidence in court my dad refused to let me go - i did hold it against him and in a way i still do because that was the closure i needed to move on with my life and he wouldnt let me have that, progressively things got worse my mother started drinking heavily and would then start arguments with everyone and anyone me usually being her main target. I still have scars on my legs now where she used to stamp over my legs with stilettos on :x
the last time she did it i was 15 and i fought back my dad ended up ringing the police and telling them to remove me from his house or he was going to kill me - i went into care and i have never looked back, its there loss not mine.

Not the sort of thing you expect from people who live in a 250,000 house own there own business (last estimate that i know of it was valued at around 1million) drive around in bmw's and mercedes brand new imports and more money than you could ever know what to do with.

i dont think any of it has anything to do with your own upbringing i think it has more to do with common sense than anything else!

anyways im off to change rubies bum as she has just filled her nappy again :roll: :lol: and then im going to bed and i know i will definatly be thinking about how lucky i am compared to what i had 6 years ago

night xxx
bloody hell bubble, thats awfull. i cant believe it. and i bet because what u went through no love but every thing else money could buy. i bet you are not a materialistic(sp) girl atall and give so much love to your children.

i just want to spoil my children with love its the best gift any one could have.
materialistic is definatly one thing im not :lol:

if i dont have the money for something i dont have it, as long as my kids are healthy, happy, fed, clean, in clothes that fit them, are well loved, my bills are paid then nothing else matters anything after that is a luxury.

the biggest lesson it taught me is that money isnt everything and that money cant buy love.

thinking like that it makes so much difference - i think thats what angered me more about pramface was them complaing they had no money but they had the money to smoke drink and go out. If you cant afford the basic things in life you cut out the luxuries - its as simple as that.

infact at one point i think i screamed at the tv why dont you put out your bloody fag and turn the bloody heating on :x
the girl had her priorities sooooo wrong!

btw was going to go to bed but rubie thinks nows a good time to stay awake :lol: :roll:
you have made me realise that there are alot of people out there that have had it hard. the worst bit was when you said some one broke into your flat just to trash it. that nade my blood boil reading it.

ps. How are you coping with rubie and Beth? has beth been ok? the worst shock i found was how big Dior looked once Harley came and what a big difference it was changing bums :lol:
i was on myown with kieran for five years before i met DH as well. My temporary accomdation was fine but my flat wasnt. i had the metal windows and it was always cold, i did have heating but it was lost on the windows. so what i did was save up my income support money and bought thermal curtains throughout. i bleached the mould off my windows every week and did the best that i could.

i cant remember the amount of income support i got for one child but i am sure that it was more than £70. i know my sil gets about £130 for 2 kids. plus i got child benefit. it was a struggle, i was lucky i had my step dad and my mum and good friends, but at night it was so lonely.

i do count my blessings now. i have a great hubby and three beautiful boys.

youve got to admire the girl with 2 boys, she has got of her bum, and going to work for just £40 a week. less then a tenner a day really. but it is a step up.

i think youre a great mum bubble and your kids will always be proud of you. and i agree possessions arent everything, love is. i am always telling my boys that i love them.

dionne said:
hevwithbump said:
can i just ask what was there christmas dinner?
a mini sausage roll, biscuit and a cup cake

but she still seemed to love them lil boys :(

any one else loving her sons names? os is it just me 'Caleb & Harlen'
i might have to have another baby :shhh: ohhh yeah :think: but it needs to be a boy :doh:

i agree she loved her boys dionne. :) both girls undoubtably did

but how much are a packet of fags ? £5??? and what sort of xmas meal would a fiver have got her? Poatatos, carrots, peas and some meat no doubt???

Plus look at that silly girl who got the £700 grant. What did she do with it? Drank it all away in silly night clubs.
It was shocking.
dionne said:
you have made me realise that there are alot of people out there that have had it hard. the worst bit was when you said some one broke into your flat just to trash it. that nade my blood boil reading it.

ps. How are you coping with rubie and Beth? has beth been ok? the worst shock i found was how big Dior looked once Harley came and what a big difference it was changing bums :lol:

lmao!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i didnt change beths bum for the first week as dan did it all the time the first time i did i was like omg when did she get so big :rotfl: the day i came out of hospital (baring in mind it had only been a day!) dan bought beth back from his mums and i was like 'is it me or has she suddenly got huge?' :rotfl:
beths been brilliant with her though definatly been blessed she is soooo good! :angel:

i think youre a great mum bubble and your kids will always be proud of you.
thanks davina - the way i look at it now is that i dont want my kids to grow up the same way as i did they dont deserve that and i will do everything in my power to make sure they dont ever have to go through anything that i was put through. Dont get me wrong none of my kids want for anything they have everything they need (and more!) but being able to express my love for them and for them to know that they are loved is far more important than anything materialistic. :)
it was shocking but this is how a lot of single parents live. plus i thought it was going to be based on two young teenagers lives. showing how they struggle etc.

their boys were gorgeous werent they.

i think a lot of blame is with the fathers especially the one they showed. how can they come in and out of their kids lives like that. i'm sorry but if DH left and he came and went just once, that would be it. he would have to go through court to get access to the boys.

men have it so easy at times. i know a lot of men do love their kids but it seems so easy for them to walk away and have another family and forget about their other children.
i used to live in a concrete flat with metal framed windows and the mould was everywhere,stupid housing told me to leave the windows open in the winter so that there wouldnt be no damp air,all we had was a gas fire in a three bed flat,we would have to put towels in the windows as the condensation was terrible,it got that bad that in the winter we would move all the beds into the living room and sleep in there.I was on benefits at the time as dh suffered really bad with panic attacks and couldnt go out the house,we was on £110 approx a week and 26 child benefit,we was told by electric bored we had to pay £20 week electric and £15 gas,plus water and tv and because i worked part time for £24 week they took that off me and left me £4.i had to pay my bus fares to work etc and it soon went ,i never went out,i did smoke but i brought the cheepo tobacco and rolled my own
hevwithbump said:
i would love to meet people from here but no one really lives close to me :(

I do hun :cheer:,i was only in folkestone last saturday(my mate works in a little decorating shop). I did look out for you hun,crazy i know :roll: :D . We will have to do a meet sometime next year with the babies,gotta meet budge too :hug: xx
oh loulou you and your family really went through it.

i was told the same about leaving the windows open, its a pile of crap isnt it.

the council just do not look after their buildings. a lot of them need to be condemed and pulled down or refurbished properly. i am thankful that i am out of there. i mean my house is a bit small for us all but it is clean and warm and safe and thats all that we need. mind i wouldnt mind another bedroom for my eldest.
nikki1306 said:
hevwithbump said:
i would love to meet people from here but no one really lives close to me :(

I do hun :cheer:,i was only in folkestone last saturday(my mate works in a little decorating shop). I did look out for you hun,crazy i know :roll: :D . We will have to do a meet sometime next year with the babies,gotta meet budge too :hug: xx

i totally forbid nikki and hev getting together without me !!!! it would totally devastate me and id be green with jealousy too. :)
davina said:
oh loulou you and your family really went through it.

i was told the same about leaving the windows open, its a pile of crap isnt it.

the council just do not look after their buildings. a lot of them need to be condemed and pulled down or refurbished properly. i am thankful that i am out of there. i mean my house is a bit small for us all but it is clean and warm and safe and thats all that we need. mind i wouldnt mind another bedroom for my eldest.

im glad i moved out of birmingham,im now in a 3 bed house back in my home town,ive got a hurd of qualifications i did whilst on benefits and dh is better and a new job should be starting for me soon,money isnt brilliant and wont be till i go back to work as i get more than dh,but we have no debts apart from £200 on one catalogue and im proud that everything i have i own
the council houses are so much better nowa days but there are very little around here iv been on the list since i was 18 (3yrs)
my friend has a council house its got a well nice trendy gas fire they fitted and her new kitchen is all beach colour its so nice :evil:
budge said:
nikki1306 said:
hevwithbump said:
i would love to meet people from here but no one really lives close to me :(

I do hun :cheer:,i was only in folkestone last saturday(my mate works in a little decorating shop). I did look out for you hun,crazy i know :roll: :D . We will have to do a meet sometime next year with the babies,gotta meet budge too :hug: xx

i totally forbid nikki and hev getting together without me !!!! it would totally devastate me and id be green with jealousy too. :)

We will all meet somewhere in the middle then hun,where is the middle :think:,let me get a map :lol: xx
:rotfl: let me know where the middle is hen and ill be there!!!! :cheer:

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