its a case of having to dionne, when your in a situation like that its the only thing that you can do - i think the only time i hit rock bottom was when i got home with kurt about 5pm one day and where my garden was literally on the street with no fence or anything to protect it people could just walk up to my back door from the street
i noticed walking round to the front door that somebody had covered my windows in egg and flour - didnt think much of it until i walked through the front door and found everything trashed

they had forced the top window open and put there hand through to open the bigger window to climb through they didnt take anything - not that i had anything worth taking anyway but it was just the fact that it was the only place i felt slightly safe and secure for me and my baby had been invaded by a stranger made me feel physically sick.
its not like im a little posh girl lol far from i was raised on a very rough council estate mum and dad have always wrked but never been flush but my mum and now myself we always make the most of the money we do have.
that bit made me laugh not because of what you said but because of the way my parents live now and how they have always lived for as long as i can remember.
the relationship i had with my parents up until my sister was born when i was 3 from what i can remember was ok - not that i remember much from that age though

just after my sister was born she was diagnosed with chronic brittle asthma (please dont take anything i say the wrong way now i dont blame her for any of it and dont resent her for any of it at all) she was in and out of intensive care constantly she spent more time in hospital than she did at home, they amount oftimes i saw my sister go blue and stop breathing was unbelievable, due to this up until i was 6 when my nan died i spent 95% of my time at my nans house she did everything for me she was more of a mum figure rather than a nan. When she died it ripped me to pieces but still my parents barely even remembered i was there because all their attention was focused on my sister.
Neither of us ever wanted for anything we were taken on holiday abroad twice a year - i have travelled half way round the world and back again, clothes when we wanted, toys when we wanted. we were spoilt brats il admit it! the only thing we never got was love. - Please dont feel sorry for me neither coz it really doesnt bother me anymore.
When i was 13 they took us to the bahamas an island called paradise island turned out to be far from paradise. something happened to me whilst i was there and it all went to the police and statments were took etc etc a year later we got a letter from them asking me to give evidence in court my dad refused to let me go - i did hold it against him and in a way i still do because that was the closure i needed to move on with my life and he wouldnt let me have that, progressively things got worse my mother started drinking heavily and would then start arguments with everyone and anyone me usually being her main target. I still have scars on my legs now where she used to stamp over my legs with stilettos on
the last time she did it i was 15 and i fought back my dad ended up ringing the police and telling them to remove me from his house or he was going to kill me - i went into care and i have never looked back, its there loss not mine.
Not the sort of thing you expect from people who live in a 250,000 house own there own business (last estimate that i know of it was valued at around 1million) drive around in bmw's and mercedes brand new imports and more money than you could ever know what to do with.
i dont think any of it has anything to do with your own upbringing i think it has more to do with common sense than anything else!
anyways im off to change rubies bum as she has just filled her nappy again

and then im going to bed and i know i will definatly be thinking about how lucky i am compared to what i had 6 years ago
night xxx