pram face

davina said:
that was a joke, not meant to offend. i know looking after children is very hard, not just physically but mentally.

a smoker and a drinker will always find their next fix regardless of money. i mean did you see what she fed the two boys for christmas dinner. a sausage roll and a cup cake.

i know it was terrible.
how much is a packet of fags anyway?
davina said:
sorry i didnt mean it honestly :angel: i posted it then saw the other thread. :hug:

theif :cry:
i was feeling so popular aswell :lol:
aww dionne do you want me to paste and copy all my comments in your thread too :hug:

is there going to be another meet next year up north (sorry change of subject)
sorry budge i thought i was posting after dionne, she called me a thief.
:rotfl: :rotfl: no you wouldnt. are you going to any of the meets, would love to meet you. some of your posts are hilarious :rotfl: :rotfl:
yeah but ill wait till ive had the bubba.

maybe next tear around the nottinhmashire derbtshire area.
hope so. i would like to meet a lot of people on here. :hug:
i would love to meet people from here but no one really lives close to me :(
i actually agree with budge tbh.

i had kurt when i was 17 i was in an abusive relationship ended up getting out of it when he was 4 months old and was on my own with him up until he was 4 - with no help from anyone not family not friends it was just me and kurt.

i was living in temporary accomodation a ground floor one bedroom flat with mould growing up the walls (a hell of a lot worse than what they had it) one comment i made to dan whilst watching it was they should think themselves lucky they have double glazed windows, its something i never had the 'luxury' of until i moved in here, and even now the seals are f***ed so there is a huge draft coming through :roll:

they smoke they drink they go out and enjoy themselves, they get £130 a week!! wtf??? i got just over £70 a week when i first had kurt and we managed its a case of having to when you dont have the money :talkhand:

i went back to work when kurt was 18months old and i still wasnt much better off than i was when i wasnt working, and i was missing out on seeing my son grow up. :|

either things have changed dramatically in the last 6years or they dont have it that hard at all sorry if anyone disagrees with anything that i have said but i have been there and they have it pretty damn easy compared to how i had it when i had kurt :|
Bubble a lot has changed in the past few years, under the previous government they made it extremely difficult for you to stay at home if you so wished unless you wanted to live on £70 a week whereas now benefits are a lot more, yes cost of living is a lot more but thats relative, there are still poundshops and discount clothes, moreso nowadays.
Yer i understand what you are saying but even so when i went back to work i was working 20hours a week and still with my wages and working familys tax credit i was only taking home £110 (approx) a week! and out of that i still had to pay for childcare costs!
i dont know if anyone remembers but with the WFTC you couldnt claim for childcare unless you did so from the very start of the claim you couldnt then claim for it after if you needed it, so i wasnt really much better off working than had i not been working!

i think the programme annoyed me more due to the fact that i have been there and from how i had it to the way they made out that they had it hard was nothing compared to how it was for me they have it easy :talkhand:

i suppose i should count myself lucky that i am in the position that i am now though im still not happy with it, im a lot better off than i was 6years ago
i had kurt when i was 17 i was in an abusive relationship ended up getting out of it when he was 4 months old and was on my own with him up until he was 4 - with no help from anyone not family not friends it was just me and kurt.

i was living in temporary accomodation a ground floor one bedroom flat with mould growing up the walls (a hell of a lot worse than what they had it) one comment i made to dan whilst watching it was they should think themselves lucky they have double glazed windows, its something i never had the 'luxury' of until i moved in here
makes me realise when i hear things like that. its terrible that people live that way. the only bit that really got me was she wont put the radiators on? yes electric ones are expensive but prob not as expensive as smoking?? one thing i always say is as long as the child has a full baby and a clean warm home nothing else matters. but her childs xmas dinner was terrible and the fact she wont put her heating on.

i dont no im in two minds? i did feel it for her but then iv never seen that type of life style before so it shocked me?
to me that xmas dinner was a bloody disgrace! :x i would never feed my kids something like that let alone as a meal! :x
As for the radiators! My god i wanted to slap her! What with the amount of 'damp' she had to live with her main priority should be having that heating on to try and dry the damp out a bit for the sake of her kids health! Maybe if she cut out the fags, the drinking and the going out she would be able to afford to have the heating on :x

I can understand you being in two minds dionne especially if you havent seen anything like that before, the whole programme really did infuriate me coz compared to how i had it they have it bloody easy! :x

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