potty training


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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Braydon is 18 months on the 28th and people have started asking bout potty training and i was wondering wen was best to do it??
also B being my first i have no idea wot the best action is to take so was wondering if someone could offer advice please
leave the potty around as of now and tell him what its for. try him a few times on it just for a bit of fun. but i woudn't bother seriously training him until hes a bout 2- 2and a half.
yeah i was thinking that i got him a potty today and sat him on it he was fine but not gonna to much till he was 2 but didnt know if it would be to old to young etc
Hey Sarah! :D

My Mom used to leave the potty about in the bathroom, at around 20 months - 2 years. She would start asking if we had wee or poo in our nappy around then too. (I actually remember this!) After about 2 years she would start encouraging us to tell her when we wanted to go. It usually took about 6 months. None of us were in nappies after that.


I dont really think there is a set age every toddler is different let him tell show you when hes ready :)
Lydia is definitely ready to start. She tells me pretty much all the time when she's weeing or pooing.

But we're not starting her for another couple of months because we're going to be moving house soon so I don't want the upheaval to set her back if we start now.

I think you should start B. If he doesn't take to it there's nothing wrong with you reverting back to nappies and leaving it a while. No harm in trying.
Connor shows such an interest when one of us is on the loo! So I bought a potty (he's 19months now, was about a month and a half ago i bought it). I don't want to try him too early but what I do is give him a bit of a nappy-free run around just before bath time (about twenty minutes or so). When I first take nappy off I ask him if he wants to do a wee, and then sit him on the potty. He does one now and again and gets a sticker on a home-made chart every time he does it. He's now really really keen to do it and does one almost every day. We're not gonna progress to full on training yet as he's still so young but I'm hoping the positive beginning will bode well for the coming months......
yeah that is wot i am doing giving him some potty time before and after his bath
sounds like a good idea sarah, im in the process of trying to get bradley done and in no way ready for it, i mean him.. lol.. the joys of trying eh!
There is no set age, best wait for them to let you know, my little one as just started to point down to his nappie once its full, but he always tell me afterwards so I dont think he is far off, I try him but he justs gets up walks around and wees anywhere! so plenty of time yet for him (Only 17 months) Best not to set a age same with moving to a bed, we are trying for another baby but until he is walking better, we have to wait and see.
I think that every child is different. My mum started potty training my little brother when he was about 26 months and he was dry within a couple of months. He was showing signs of being ready such as taking his nappy off when he was dirty or saying I need a poo when he had his nappy on. I think I would wait until atleast 2 years of age so I have put 2-2 1/2

Oh yeah we also done a sticker chart for him which really helped. I actually made one and after he had earned a certain amount of stars he would get a little present.
our daughter sits on the potty all the time, but doesnt use it haha. its been around now for 2 months so she gets used to it. i am just going to let her decide when shes ready. during the warmer days she doesnt wear a nappy much as shes normally in the paddling pool, and she did once go get the potty and pee in it, so she does know what its for.
i voted the last option - i think the later the better and they pick it up straight away.
Dior is at a good age now - but i think it all depends on the childs speech too.
i think 18months is to young and is to much presure
My LO was dry in the day from 15 months. I didn't pressure her into potty-training that early, she just decided that it was for her.

We used to do Sing & Sign from 8 months and picked up the toilet sign from there. After a while I noticed a definite time that she went, which was approx 15 - 20 minutes after breakfast, so I took to sitting her on the potty from about 12 months, using the sign and reading her books or playing with different toys while she sat there.

If she got bored and wanted to get off, she did and we carried on playing. More and more she got off as soon as she did a wee, so she got lots of praise and kisses.

From about 13 months, she would tell me when she wanted to go by attempting the sign or pulling at her clothes. By 15 months, she was completely dry in the day, except if she was overly tired, then she'd forget to ask.

Once she learnt that she could use the potty, she hated going in her nappy and was so chuffed with herself when she went in her potty.

She had control over her bladder from an early age too. If we were in the car and she did the toilet sign, I would say "can you wait 2 minutes until we get home?" and as soon as we were in, clothes off, knickers down, on the potty and she would instantly do a wee.

Being a first time mum, I honestly didn't realise that this was "early" to potty-train. I'd just heard that all children were different and that they will let you know when they are ready. From listening to other mums I have to confess that I think it's much easier to train them when they are younger as they cotton on really quickly to what is needed and there's no fear in using a potty.
Hello stranger.

just wanted to say we are starting Alana soon, as she keeps getting potty out of toilet and sitting on it to watch tv :lol:

we recently started using cloth nappies and it has helped to make her more aware when shes wet.

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