Potty Training


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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hi there ladies,

just some advice my son is 20 months old soon, i have noticed that his nappies are very dry in the day i mean his nappy is dry hes drinking loads we have a potty 4 him he knows wht its for i was just wondering if it would be ok to start slowly potty training him, he drinks loads in the day and isnt dehightdrated at all

any answers would help me loads
you could give it a go but dont make a big deal of it

if he wants to that will be great.

Dior was ready about 24months but i held out till she was 2yrs 4 months

i just think when they are under 2 and mums try and make them potty train it will be far to stressful and upsetting for them at a young age, but if you just let him do it for fun take it from there

How is his speach? The HV that runs my childrens nursery said that a child uses the same part of the brain to know that they need a wee as they do to talk, so if they are not talking much then their brain is not ready to know when they need the loo
thank there Dionne

his speach is ok he can say mummy daddy, juice car bus bike book dog thats aboout it

yer i was wanting to make the potty triaing fun for him , i never force him to do anything he dont want too
I've started potty training twice with my little boy and each time i've stopped as he was so totally stressed by the idea of going to the toilet/potty!
I felt so sorry for him as he was crying that i just couldn't do it to him anymore. We have tried to get him started again this week and it's the same again.

I really want to get him trained as he starts nursery in December, but i just don't know how to help calm his fear.

Anyone any ideas? My little girl was trained in just 3 days when she was 2 1/2, but she wasn't afraid.
I have started talking to Naomi about what she does in her nappy and mentioning "wee" and "poo". Hopefully she will go from telling us she has done one to telling us she is about to do one!


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