Potty Training

You will know when they are ready, cameron started showing signs by taking his nappie of, only took 2 weeks and he was dry and he did that just after he turned 2

Bradley isnt no way near ready, he takes his nappy off but will sit on the potty then get off a pee next to it :rotfl:

Going to try with bradley when he is more ready in a few months, he will be 2 then...
Stephens nearly 3 and is not showing any classic signs yet so im guna eave him to get on with itand let him taske the lead on it.
Dior is 2yrs and 1 month she has been showing signs for ages. but i have been putting it off - with her starting nursery etc i dont want to expect to much to soon from her, she still has a dummy and bottle at night and sleeps in a cot, i think its more important i get her away from then things then potty train.

shewill go allday with out a nappy, will never wee on the floorbut she will hold it in and she ends up getting urine infections :roll:
if she does need a wee she will usuallygo get me a nappy ask me to put it on her then she willsit in the corner and wee :lol: but she is not so keen on the toliot and looks at a pooty like it is a monster :lol:

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