My LO was dry in the day from 15 months. I didn't pressure her into potty-training that early, she just decided that it was for her.
We used to do Sing & Sign from 8 months and picked up the toilet sign from there. After a while I noticed a definite time that she went, which was approx 15 - 20 minutes after breakfast, so I took to sitting her on the potty from about 12 months, using the sign and reading her books or playing with different toys while she sat there.
If she got bored and wanted to get off, she did and we carried on playing. More and more she got off as soon as she did a wee, so she got lots of praise and kisses.
From about 13 months, she would tell me when she wanted to go by attempting the sign or pulling at her clothes. By 15 months, she was completely dry in the day, except if she was overly tired, then she'd forget to ask.
Once she learnt that she could use the potty, she hated going in her nappy and was so chuffed with herself when she went in her potty.
She had control over her bladder from an early age too. If we were in the car and she did the toilet sign, I would say "can you wait 2 minutes until we get home?" and as soon as we were in, clothes off, knickers down, on the potty and she would instantly do a wee.
Being a first time mum, I honestly didn't realise that this was "early" to potty-train. I'd just heard that all children were different and that they will let you know when they are ready. From listening to other mums I have to confess that I think it's much easier to train them when they are younger as they cotton on really quickly to what is needed and there's no fear in using a potty.