Post pictures of your breakfast/lunch/dinner/midnight munch

I eat the same old stuff so u dont wanna be seeing it twice
haha i am having chicken wraps tonight its my fave ever

I took a pic cos it was very yummy today
looks yum
but i cant look at it proper cos i still feel sick from my tea lol
scottishterrier said:
every night when im cooking i remind myself to get a pic then totally forget untill its gone!!
I keep doing that! I'm always that bloody starving by the time it's ready it's gone within seconds! :rotfl:

Becks your wraps look so yum and so do your chips, Kimbo I'm drooling :lol:
Last night at cooking course I made "Pork Jalousie and Cider Sauce". It's basically a posh word for a huge sausage roll with apple and sage stuffing in it, with cider sauce poured over the top to serve :) Was damn good :cheer: proud of myself :cheer:

Just out of the oven at college-

Served up with the sauce at home, about to be eaten -
My lunch was only a few pieces of boring toast as my OH kindly passed on a stomach bug and I lost last night's dinner during the night. My stomach hasn't recovered, and I'm so hungry, but the thought of food makes me feel sick again :lol:
fish cakes, beans and POTATO STARS!! NOT FACES!!!!!!

My tea...Cod in mornay sauce... mediterranen(sp) vegetables and leahnd cabbage

was YUMMY!!! :D

Oh and all from Asda :lol:

Haha! Potato stars. We had hash browns the other day and I thought of you Kimbo!! You'll have to have waffles tomorrow!! :lol:
emma28 said:
Haha! Potato stars. We had hash browns the other day and I thought of you Kimbo!! You'll have to have waffles tomorrow!! :lol:
i luuuuuuurve waffles... with butter and cheese on top :D
Kimbo said:
emma28 said:
Haha! Potato stars. We had hash browns the other day and I thought of you Kimbo!! You'll have to have waffles tomorrow!! :lol:
i luuuuuuurve waffles... with butter and cheese on top :D

Mmmm, waffles with cheese, never had it with the butter though. I really want that now, but I am doing burgers on my George Forman grill.
natalie&jake said:
Grilled trout with rice and peas. It was absolutely yummy :)
that looks yummy :D

my lunch today was a butter pie covered in tomato sauce :D

Nat your fish on rice looks soooooo good I wish my Nat liked fish :(

My dinner was potato wedges and birds eye chicken pieces.. I didn't get a picture though, it wasn't all that.
that trout looks more like salmon, or a very very huge trout :shock: hehehe i love fish at the minute, cud eat it every day hmmmmm
paradysso said:
that trout looks more like salmon, or a very very huge trout :shock: hehehe i love fish at the minute, cud eat it every day hmmmmm

hehe, no its definately trout (just 2 very large pieces :oops: :shhh: ) On offer at Tesco athte mo, might get some more this week :wink:

ohhhhhh i have go to get myself to tesco tommorrow morning!!!!! looks sooooo yummy!!!!!!!!!!! bargain price too :dance:

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