i really dont know where else to turn to and explain how im feeling. my LO is 6 weeks old and i have been on what i can only describe as an emotional roller coaster for the last 6 weeks. the week he was born was the best week of my life, i was in hospital with him for a week ( i had a c section) and it was such a special time. but things started to go wrong when i got home. my mum and dad came to stay for two weeks when i got home and although i am close to them i found it a bit much, i just wanted it to be me, my husband and our little boy. i then felt awfully guilty when they left and missed them like mad. my mother in law then came to stay for the weekend. it was hell. i felt constantly under scrutiny and pushed out the way so she could get to my baby. i have mentioned this as i feel that maybe part of the problem is that we had people and stay with us too soon after the birth. over all i have been feeling like i am on the outside looking in (sounds crazy i know) and i dont feel like my baby knows im his mum. he is happy to go to anyone. i also feel like he has no dependance on me at all (breastfeeding did not work out) and isisnt really botherd if i am around or not. i just dont feel special to him. i know this sounds selfish, i should be happy as long as my baby is happy but i dont feel he has connected with me, if that makes sense. i love him to pieces and i am worried that i am struggling to bond with him and this is the start of PND. my OH has been trying to be supportive but we have argued a lot as its spoiling things for him. does anyone know how i can get rid of these feelings? i have been crying over so many things and i feel very low on confidence. i dont want this special time to be spoilt. i want to feel on top of the world, confident that i know what i am doing with my baby and confident that he loves me and needs me. can anyone help?
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