Post birth anemia - Very low levels - Any advice please ??


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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its 2 weeks tomorrow since my LO was born.
I was given an emergency c-section due to pre-eclampsia and non progress of labour and i lost 2 litres of blood. I was not given a blood transfusion.

Before my section my hb level was at 12 (which i understand is just right), but afterwards this dropped right down to 7 !! I had to fight to be let out of hospital due to this but i was getting very stressed out and they kept forgetting to give me my tablets so i was much better off at home - they warned me that it was risky to let me go home and that i must be aware of any dizzinesss, etc. They sent me off with a prescription of 3x 200mg iron per day. I've had plenty of visits from my MW, etc, who have been keeping an eye on me but have been gobsmacked that i'm not flat out exhausted with such a low level.

So, i've been home for a week and a half now and I am starting to feel a bit better/brighter. I cant go out much as were in a 4th floor flat with no lift and the stairs kill me. I've managed 2 trips out so far, one to boots which really tired me out, and another to the docs on monday for a blood test.

The doctor just called me as he was worried about my results - my level has only risen slightly and is now at 7.6 and he was concerned how i would be coping. I said that i am starting to feel better and my colour is coming back slowly, but that the evenings are the time that it really hits me. He is happy with my iron prescription and said to eat healthily and come back for another blood count when i can get out and about.

Now, my question is, would my post birth bleeding be having an effect on my iron / HB levels ??
I've been bleeding quite heavy dark red blood since the birth which has over the past 2 days started to decrease and is now a pinky colour instead - will this help my blood levels increase ?

Has anyone else had this problem and if so hiw long did it take for your levels to increase ? Is there anything specific i can take / eat other than the usual iron tablets and leafy green veg to improve it ?

What would happen if my levels stayed so low ?
Thanks girls xx
I lost a lot of blood after my section and I was put on iron tablets - same as yours. I'm not sure what effect it has on bleeding but I do remember bleeding for 8 weeks and getting quite a few clots. The MW and GP weren't too concerned about how heavy it was - just if I was getting clots bigger than a 50p piece. I do remember it taking me 4/5 weeks to feel much much better - that was when I stopped feeling dizzy and lightheaded and when I could actually start walking to places. I can't remember when the levels started rising but the GP went by my symptoms rather than my iron levels. I didn't do anything differently from you in terms of iron tablets/leafy green veg apart from increasing my vit c intake as that helps you absorb iron better. I was also recommened spatone which is a liquidy iron thingy which is natural and is better absorbed by the body than tablets so worth a try. You get a big box with 28 sachets in. You can drink it in fruit juice/squash as vit c helps you absorb it better.

Don't know what happens if your levels stay low but you wouldn't be feeling well. But it should improve as you're doing all the right things. HTH, dunno if I missed anything!

Helen :hug: :hug:

edited to add: you can buy spatone from places where they sell health stuff, we bought it from boots
i also lost two litres of blood and had blood transfusion afterwards, i am still on iron tablets 4 months on and have been given enough to last me to the end of feb, my iron was low before the emergency c section though so may have been lower so it might not take as long for you, the two periods after the birth were really heavy too which didnt help matters
thanks girls - been having weekly blood tests now and the good news is that in a week i have gone from a low level of 7 to 9.6 !!
Much much better and i'm very pleased - MW was impressed ........ i think stopping bleeding probably had a big impact on that

So thats good news

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