Possibly pregnant? *update with pics*

Well the bleeding picked up a little...its not like normal AF at all tho, and the backache has now disappeared completely, and I only have mild stomach cramps, which for me is very unusual, I'm usually in agony!

Now, the blood itself (sorry if this is tmi lol) is like a light reddy/orangy colour and its kinda slimey (sorry lol), no dark red blood or clots or anything like that.

I'm gonna do another test later I think, and then I might book a doctors appointment anyway.
yeah it's normal! we wearnt TTC either and it came as a huge shock to be pregnant (even though it was inevitable as we were so carefless) took him a long time to come to terms with it and it wasnt best scenario for either of us
However i made my decision and i'm now so looking forward to meeting my baby and i no it was right for me, i couldnt imagine having anyone elses baby and although we're still a new couple we're enjoying what life brings.
How old are you??
It'll take time for everyhting ot sink in, i dont think it really became real for us until we saw baby at scan and now feel him kick
good luck
Thanks for the replies ladies :hug:

abcd1234 - Sounds like a very similar situation to mine tbh. I'm 24 and my bf is 30, we've only been together 3 months, and like you we were careless :doh:

We're both in shock at the mo, but also very confused with the positive result, now me bleeding :? So we're not assuming that I'm definately pregnant until I test again or/and visit the doctors.

Unfortunately we're not in the best situation at the moment, he lives 250 miles away, so it is pretty tough at times....but we love each other, and I'm sure whatever happens we will work through it together.
:hug: I'm a big beleiver in what will be will be and as soon as i saw the lines i knew what i had to do, doesnt mean it was easy. I was told by a nurse that my cramping i had when i first found out i was pregnant could be me miscarrying so that also kind of made me realise what i wanted. I've had to give up going out loads and getting drunk lots for staying in and being sober, it's frustrating, but i know it'll be worth it
Hey, I've just noticed you're only down the road from me lol, I'm in Taunton, Somerset :D

It was weird cos after 2 occasions of spotting last week, I just kinda knew something was up, so when I got that positive it really wasn't as much of a shock as I thought it was gonna be. Still bloody scary mind :shock:

I know for sure it isn't going to be easy, and I never thought it would be...but we will be fine, I'm sure of it.

Good luck to you hun x
and you, make sure you keep us informed and there's so much advice and support on here about all the things they dont tell you about pregnancy, it's very comforting to know that people on here are all feeling the same things.
It's wierd when you kind of just know somethings up, i was the same, i had period cramps but no period, i knew i was pregnant, but didnt want to beleive it until 4 tests and a doctor told me so lol
Thanks hun :hug: I will definately keep you all informed.

Think I'm gonna see what the next couple of days has in store for me regarding the bleeding, and then make a doctors appointment.
Hi hun, it is normal to have a bit of spotting in early pregnancy. Esp if it is brownish in colour, this means it is old blood. Some women even have AF-type bleeding but they are actually pregnant. See what happens for the next couple days, maybe do another test? If you are pregnant the line should start getting darker. Good luck :hug: :hug: and I hope you get the result you want.
Hey Soph, even tho it wasnt planned, i hope you bf is there for you..
he'll soon warm to the idea.. looks like a BFP to me..

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