Positive test but after time limit!?

Aw thanks positivity! Heres hoping for some good news tomorrow! If not then I can join in with the October testing thread :)
I was 6 days late when i got a BFP with one of my pregnancies chick, so there is still hope. Also with that pregnancy i used an internet cheapie and got a faint positive after the 10 mins. I don't wanna get your hopes up but i just wanted to give you some words of encouragement xx
No, it was about half hour later. I managed to squeeze out another little wee, though I didnt have anything to drink, so I would have thought it would still be FMU? Not sure if that would make any difference?

I would say it would make a difference hun it sounds promising i hope it is x
Defo use your absolute FMU. I really hope it's a bfp for ya! xx
Haha, thanks for all your advice ladies, Its good to know that some people dont get a positive til a lot later, although my head is telling me to remain calm and I am most likely just late and not pregnant.
I tested again this morning, first thing, and got another BFN :(

Still no af, so on day 34 today, which is really unusual for me. Also, I have no cramps/bloating/moods like I normally do? I have broken out in spots though, and have had lower back ache.
If still no af by this afternoon, I will go to Wilko's and get a branded test for tomorrow.

I just hate all this waiting! I think Im gonna go crazy (I may crack and turn into a lunatic ttc'er!) :trouble:
Love your attitude, positive all the way. I would deffo get a CBD test and try that in a couple of days. Good luck!
Thanks Tracey, Im a bit wary of the digital tests - I've never used one before. I would think getting a BFN on one of those would be a right bummer! I've heard first response ones are good.

I was even contemplating some vigorous (tmi:lol:) bd'ing to see if that would get my period going, but thought my oh doesn't really deserve that!
Good luck!! You're not out until the :witch: gets you!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks hun :hugs: Still nothing so far! I went out and bought a predictor for first thing in the morning - I will probably get af now I've done that!
5 days will be exceedingly unusual for me...
Well....I used the predictor test this morning, and got a BFN!......

BUT I also got a very strange reading on the test. I had a horizontal line appear! The line was clear and pink, although quite faint, and was in the test window...but instead of being vertical it was horizontal!

What the bleeding hell is going on!?
I really dont know what to think. I am 5 days late today, with no symptoms still. Could it be that I didnt ovulate and that is why I have missed a period?

Anyone else had a horizontal line appear?
That's strange! Maybe you ovulated later this month which would mean a later af of course but also maybe a later than expected accurate pregnancy reading. I'm probably having a stupid moment here but is a predictor test a brand of preg test? I usually only use internet cheapies,Tesco and CBD! :)
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That's strange! You may have ovulated later this month, which would mean a later af but also maybe a later than expected :bfp: :) Being dense here probably, but is a predictor test a brand of HPT? I usually only use internet cheapies, Tesco and CBD! :)

Sorry for posting the same message twice. My scrfeen when black for a min and I assumed I had lost what I had written so I wrote it again. LOL Having a frustrating morning!

haha, no worries :)

Yeah a Predictor is a brand of test, 12.5 miu s'posed to be an early response type of job.

Im feeling a bit low today, last night I had af type cramps, and thought 'ah...the game is up' and I also had a very small amount of very light brown spotting - and only when I wiped (tmi alert - sorry!). I assumed that af was on her way, so had a glass of wine and off to bed. This morning cramps are still there but a lot less, and no spotting or af whatsoever!

Its 6 days late now, Im starting to think that Im not pg and may just miss a period? Bit worried bout my ladybits tbh :(

Ah well, not a thing I can do about it eh! Hopefully all work out ok, still a small bubble of hope there ;)
Catching up a couple of days later....could the spotting have been implantation?

What happened Naomi? Did you get BFP or AF or nothing?

I hope you're alright anyway and back soon :)
Hiya, AF got me on the weekend. Was such a bummer after being 8 days late! Still, onwards and upwards as they say. I have my opk's at the ready, and am looking forward to October - it's my birthday on the 26th, so I really hope I get an extra special birthday present!

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