is it a bfp? TEST PHOTO ADDED


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
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Tested today (im around 8-12 dpo).... test 1 looked like a BFN at first (which was what I was expecting)...then a very faint 2nd line started to appear..I thought my eyes were inventing lines!

I retested a few hours later, faint 2nd line appeared.

Test 3 - a few hours later, a very very faint 2nd line appeared (test 3 was the faintest..the HcG is disappearing from me !)

The tests are ebay cheapies (10 mlU/ml).

No idea if its a proper BFP....or a chemical pregnancy...or dud tests?

Im waiting to see if AF arrives (due next few days). :think:

I've had several symptoms...tiredness mainly, tummy twinges and sore breasts on and off....nothing majorly drastic, but i can sense something is going on.. pregnancy or build-up to AF wise.

Wish I knew either way. I keep saying to myself 'a line is a line' but I don't want to get my hopes up. Last year, I had 5 months of BFNs, a BFP which turned out to be a chemical pregnancy and finally a BFP in May. So I know the BFN/BFP rollercoaster well and have been telling myself to stay calm and not expect anything this time round. However, the uncertainty is getting to me after seeing the unexpected faint lines today. :?

Good luck to all you testing and tcc'ing.
Sounds promising, do you have any pics so we can maybe take a look and see?
It does sound promising, would like to see a pic if you have one too? :hug:
It does sound promising but if I was you I would test in a couple of days with a different brand test. (sorry if I sound negative I don't mean to :oops: ) I like you was getting very faint lines on ebay cheapies but I tested with other tests, tesco, superdrug cb and they was BFNs. Maybe keep testing with ebay cheapies to see if the lines get darker :pray: and maybe test with some other after AF is late.

I know how you are feeling! our bodies should just give us a sign like a ping or something at 1dpo to say Yes your pg :) :rotfl:...... instead of days of testing and guessing being worried and stressed.

Good Luck I hope it is your bfp :pray: :hug: :hug:
Sounds encouraging, think youre maybe just testing a tad too early to know for sure. Good luck :hug:
thanks for your's a few photos of today's test (taken in different light conditions to try and get the faint line to show)


what do u think? the 2nd faint line isn't any stronger today..but its still shows after about 2 minutes. i know i should stop testing and wait for a few days but im a pee stick addict..i've discovered.

I'm so scared AF comes and ruins it all. I'm doing exactly what I promised myself I would not do (get stressed/over obsess/constantly test).
I can see a line and if it appears after 2 minutes then chances are it isn't necessarily an evap :D

It could be worth testing tomorrow am with a different brand.

Good luck I hope the line gets darker for you hun :cheer:
My gosh hun there is no doubt they are all BFP's!!!!!! :cheer: :dance: :hug:
wow thats looking like this could be it, maybe give it to a couple days after AF i due, then test again with a better known brand?

good luck xxx
I see 'em :D *fingers crossed* It'd be nice if there was one Minx preggo this month!!!
Looks like it could be a BFP to me! The first test I did when pregnant with my son looked like that, a very faint second line, but it was definitely stronger 2 days later. I used a Predictor test both times so maybe with a branded kit it may be more sensitive? Good luck :hug: :hug:
I can see a definite line :cheer: . After years of testing I could see the difference between an evap line and a BFP line. Get a digital in a day or two.
minxie what camera setting are you using? they are good clear pics especially the middle one, mine come out rubbish :(
HollyHobby said:
minxie what camera setting are you using? they are good clear pics especially the middle one, mine come out rubbish :(

I used the mobile phone camera - it offers preset adjustments for different light conditions (standard, daylight, cloudy, et.). I just took 3 pics using different settings to try and show the line as clearly as poss.

I just tested again (smack my hand, I know! :doh: ) and the line is a little darker. Its a bfp, me thinks! Thanks for your replies. I'll wait until AF is late before confirming im preggy with a due date!! WATCH THIS SPACE!

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