Tested today (im around 8-12 dpo).... test 1 looked like a BFN at first (which was what I was expecting)...then a very faint 2nd line started to appear..I thought my eyes were inventing lines!
I retested a few hours later, faint 2nd line appeared.
Test 3 - a few hours later, a very very faint 2nd line appeared (test 3 was the faintest..the HcG is disappearing from me !)
The tests are ebay cheapies (10 mlU/ml).
No idea if its a proper BFP....or a chemical pregnancy...or dud tests?
Im waiting to see if AF arrives (due next few days).
I've had several symptoms...tiredness mainly, tummy twinges and sore breasts on and off....nothing majorly drastic, but i can sense something is going on.. pregnancy or build-up to AF wise.
Wish I knew either way. I keep saying to myself 'a line is a line' but I don't want to get my hopes up. Last year, I had 5 months of BFNs, a BFP which turned out to be a chemical pregnancy and finally a BFP in May. So I know the BFN/BFP rollercoaster well and have been telling myself to stay calm and not expect anything this time round. However, the uncertainty is getting to me after seeing the unexpected faint lines today.
Good luck to all you testing and tcc'ing.