Positive test but after time limit!?

Naomi D

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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Hiya, Im 3 days late for af today, been having no usual af symptoms like I normally do..cramping..moods etc. I tested this morning and it was a BFN, so I left the test on the sink. Well, after about 15 minutes I looked at it again, and there was a pink line! So the line appeared after about 20 minutes. I didn't know whether to get excited or not as I knew this was past the time limit, so I did another test......BFN!

I really dont know what to think, has anyone else had this happen? Im going to test again tomorrow morning, but until then I dont want to get my hopes up too much in case af comes...

What do you all think?
I wouldn't trust it hun. You should see the Evaps i get, they look like real BFP's, no squinting required lol

Test again in the morning with a different brand and see what happens, good luck xx
Don't build your hopes up or don't think negative about it. It could be but i wouldnt trust a test after the time limit it causes too much heartache and stress. I really do hope its gonna turn into a big big bfp!! good luck and i would test tomorrow hun xxx
Thanks :) I need to hear the voice of reason right now! The line was deffo pink, but like you say it could have been an evap, or just an error (it was an ebay cheapie). I'll let you know what it says tomorrow if af hasnt arrived by then ;)
Thanks girls!
was it an ebay cheapie test? if so you could get a cbd one or something to confirm? x
Yeah hun, it was an ebay cheapie - but it was different to an evap line, clearer and deffo pink. I am wondering if it was just a dodgy test stick though, cos I did another one straight after and that was BFN.
I will try another cheapie in the morning, and if I see anything on that one, I will go out and buy a better quality test - you're right, a different brand will confirm yes or no :)
Thanks chick ;)
Thanks hun! and for you this month too!
when u done the test straight after was it with the same urine xx
No, it was about half hour later. I managed to squeeze out another little wee, though I didnt have anything to drink, so I would have thought it would still be FMU? Not sure if that would make any difference?
Give it 48 hours then test again. If you are pregnant, it will give the hormone a chance to increase to show a nice strong line. Good luck!!

Thanks Flopsy :) Still no af yet, so fingers crossed!
No af is a good sign :)
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Keeping everything crossed for you.
If I were you I'd try a digital test cos at least then you can be a bit clearer either way.
Thanks Beanster - I know you're right, but tbh Im a bit of a cheapskate, especially when there is a good chance I will get a 'not pregnant' which would be gutting! I will see what tomorrows cheapy says, and if there is a hint of anything I will buy a different brand :)
That is a brilliant site thanks! They have a couple of pics of evap lines, but they arent too clear. tbh my test this morning did look just like one of the faint positives, but I was disheartened to get a negative on another one straight away. I am eagerly waiting for tomorrow morning to test again, I will be 4 days late then!
Hopefully it will come a strong positive.

I don't want to be negative but I had a couple of faint positives last week that appeared within 5 mins, but then I started bleeding, a trip to A+E later and I was told was probably a chemical pregnancy as their test was negative. Sometimes, that's what very faint positives are unfortunately.

Yep I know, I think thats why in my heart I really know I shouldnt get my hopes up. Fingers crossed tho! Thanks for your help, and the great link :)
really really good luck for tomorrow naomi n :) lots of babydust for you for tonight thru to tomorrow....



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