Hi! I'm new here and was hoping to get some advice. I have been TTC for over two years with my DH who is 21 years older than me (he's 51) and had a reversal op 2.5 years ago. We have tried and tried and had no luck. It's complicated as he works away a lot of the time, and also we don't qualify for any help on the NHS because he already has a grown up daughter. Anyway....... a few months ago we decided to stop trying, give oursleves a break from the pressure and even talked about splitting up completely because of the strain it has put us under. But last week I started to feel strange. I have got really sore bbs (about a week before I usually do when I know AF is on the way and much worse), nausea, headaches & feeling tired, virtually no CM, and a dry throat. I decided to take a test yesterday morning even tho I am only about 12dpo, and it came out positive, faint but positive. I did another test (different brand) last night which was negative, did another of the first brand this morning which was positive, and have just done a digital one which was negative!!! I am totally confused - I so want it to be true, but worry that the positive tests could be wrong cos they are cheap ones from Ebay, but the negative tests are bigger brands. Is it just too soon for them to pick it up do you think, or are the cheaper tests giving false readings? Please can anyone offer any help or advice?