Poor hubby!


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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DH went out to get a curry as HE was craving one, an I agreed I would have one too. Anyway I pull out all the stuff and noticed that there was no mango chutney WTF!! I was like " why didn't you check the order" " well I can't eat those now cos I haven't got a any mango chutney". I really laid into the poor sod!

Thing is, i'm still cross... I want my mango chutney! Lol
Shootystar - that's soo funny, shame on him!
Ha - I need to let me hubby see this cause he things that I am on the only one going a but mental. I went to bed the other nite in the huff cause I never got a cuddle, by the time that he came to bed I was in floods of tears, totally hormonal and really tore a strip off him!!!! Poor boy!!! I'm only 12 weeks and he has a lot of this to come over the coming months!!!! :(
my husband is used to me and pregnancy hormones and tends to go and something like go the shop and buy me flowers or chocolate or even just making me a cup of tea, but i dont think he was prepared for last night i slept on the couch i accused him of having an affair lol just cause he came home from pub early and i was going to meet him for a drink first before he came home (non alcoholic) I was supposed to pick him up from the pub but i told him he could make his own way home, he just called me daft and said why would i want hassle from 2 women 1 is enough, and if he didn't want to be with me he would leave no man would stay in a house with a narky wife and loads of screaming kids running around if they didn't want to be lol. he had a point but he left me to calm down on the couch thinking i would go and join him when i thought properly, this morning he couldn't do enough for me before he went to work then when he come at 5 he cooked us all our tea after cooking all day in work and has given me loads of cuddles and reassurance, and called me a dafty a few times. I am not a jealous person at all i was last pregany but a girl came on to him in my last pregnancy outside the pub when i went to pick him up luckily i witnessed it all and saw him push her away, he told me straight away as soon as he seen me, i think it left me a bit paranoid. but bless him he just took it off me. sorry waffle over just wanted you know that we all get in a nark with our other halves for something that is normally petty but when pregnant its massive.

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