Poop changes!


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2012
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So Enid is 8 and a half months and been weaning for over 2 months, her poop had basically turned into "normal" poo. Firm but not hard, she went about twice a day.
This last week she has had much looser poops and has been going a lot more frequently, always little bits. She never cries when she poos so its hard keeping up with her but it feels like she's doing a good 6-8 tiny poos a day.

She had a couple of mucousy looking ones yesterday too, but she has had a runny nose for a while (due to teething I think as lots of dribble too) so do I put it down to that?
She doesn't have a temp and has been herself overall? I'm wondering whether to take her to the GP and get checked jic or whether they'll think I'm wasting their time as she is fine otherwise?
Hey lovely,
M's poos vary daily. They have too changed into firmer but not hard. Some days she will have the odd runnier one but I put this down to trying something different?

The weather might not be helping with it being so hot, have you been giving her more water? This might add to the looseness of them.

Hope this helps x
Ethan has days where he'll go just a couple of times. Then other days, he'll have gone 3 times within an hour of getting up! Teething can have a lot to do with their poos, so I'd probably say it's due to that. But if she's well in herself, I wouldn't worry too much xx
I always wonder about this. Kaiden always has soft poos but he does drink 2-4 cups of juice/water a day especially in this warm weather. I can only put it down to that. Today he had a play doh type poo which he hasn't done for ages! Xx

Thanks guys, It's a little less today but its almost as if she's constantly sharting!

I wish she would get some teeth so I know what's going on!
Harry seems to poo for England since he's been on solids. He poos at least 3 times a day and up to 5 times. For us I think it's because the poo is more solid so it's harder to push out, so comes out in smaller portions. Lovely! Means we're getting through loads of nappies tho :( xx

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