Polycystic Ovaries?


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Hi girls

So basically, i have been off the pill since October but havent had a period since January, so about 6 months now. Been to the doctors and had blood tests, all normal, no early menopause, PCOS, prolactin levels normal, hormone levels normal, they then referred me for an ultrasound as the next step which i had yesterday............. All was ok till the Radiologist put this probe thing inside me, which was pretty horrid, she then said very matter of fact, your ovaries look polycstic and your womb lining is thin so dont expect a period anytime soon. I mean wtf? needless to say i was in shock as the words polcystic ovaries, my Mum was waiting for me, i came out and just burst into tears and cant get my head around it, does that mean i have PCOS? i do have an appointment with the doctor on 13th July for the results but today i am walking round like a zombie with puffy eyes from being upset, i dont know what to think? can anyone give me any guidance or just kind words to help my head process what is going on?

I would really appreciate it :(

Em xxxx
Dont be upset hun, When i came off the pill my periods went walkabouts and were on average every 5 months! Went to the doctors after 7 months ttc and only 1 period!! Was told the same as you - i;m sure everything is fine but i will refer you for a scan anyway! The scan showed up an appearance of PCOS! SO then i had the bllof tests which showed my testosterone levels were higher than they should be. Then got referred to the gyno at the hospital, had loads more scans, oh was tested and then we were put on the fertility drug clomid! After my third cycle on that i got my BFP!!

Honestly hun dont panic - it was the end of my world and it will be for you too but it can and will happen for you - you just need to stay relaxed.

If you need anymore help you can pm me or just ask on here
Thanks Nicky and congratulations on your pregancy :) I think i am just in shock because other than the missing periods i dont have any other symptoms and i was thinking allsorts was wrong with me but for some reason i never ever thought it could be this so yesterday it floored me and now i just feel so sad and delicate, no appetite which is unheard of for me. I think i just need to process it all in my head but stories like yours definitely help :) xxxx
I had no other symptoms at all either hun which is why the doctor thought i was fine - which i am assuming is the case with yours!

It is really difficult to get your heas around. Its not an easy thing to be told that you have. It took me a long time to get my head around it and accept it. The moment i accepted it and relaxed i fell pregnant

I suppose the only symptom I got/get is a burning/stabbing pain in both my ovaries sometimes but i didnt really think anything into it and will try not to. Its extremely hard being told something that you never thought would be the case isnt it, i suppose it might have helped if she showed me what she was looking at but she didnt. At least i have some time to get my head round it now until 13th, its going to take a while to come round but i have to tell myself that at this moment in time there is nothing i can do about it. I am moving house in the next couple of months so hopefully that will help take my mind off it. xxxx
Yeah it is hard hun but you need to believe that you will get there. Unfortunately PCOS seems to be becoming more and more common.

They didnt show me my scans either hun but to be honest i wouldnt know what i was looking for! They said my ovaried were bulky and enlarged.

Have you been referred to a gyno yet? xxx
No not yet, my appointment on 13th is with a doctor, one who i get on with really well and trust thankfully so he will confirm the scan results and probably then refer me to a gyno, i have only really just begun in this process and i feel drained already. I always thought PCOS was genetic and very specific but just goes to show i didnt know anything but then i never had to if that makes sense xxxx
hey hun

Just wanted to drop by and give you a hug :hugs: im kinda in the same boat as you. I had a internal scan a while back and it showed enlarged ovaries, multiple immature follicles indicating polycystic ovarie syndrome. Had blood tests done but doc said they were ok so didnt diagnose the PCOS he just told me to keep trying. After a few more months and a hsg he referred me to a specialist.

The specialist told me that it appears i have polycystic ovaries but not the syndrome. And all that means is i have cysts on my ovaries but they shouldnt effect my fertility.

I havent been diagnosed with the syndrome because i havent really got any other symptoms. I do however get really bad pains in my left ovary occasionally, like today! And my cycles have gone from 24-31 days, but have recently evened themselves out and stayed at 31 days. On the brightside tho i still ovulate!! And im just having progestertone bloods done to confirm this.

Its a pain in the arse hun, hopefully your bloods will come back ok and it'll just be a case of cysts on the ovaries, which given time can actually clear up on there own!

Also my friend has full blown PCOS and very rearly had a period, she was given clomid and fell pregnant on the first cycle! So there is always hope what ever the outcome may be x x x
Thank you Emma, I really appreciate that, and hugs are definitely needed today, it took all my motivation to get out of bed and into work today. I hope everything will be ok and once my head has had a chance to process it all I will probably become a lot more positive, i think its just a shock and i feel a bit fragile today from all the crying i did yesterday. Stories like yours and Nicky's definitely help me though, thank you so much xxxx
dont panic about PCOS. I spent my life doing that, and had even convinced myself that i didnt want children because I didnt think I would be able to have any.
I used to go 3 months without a period, then I would get a really heavy one that lasted 3 weeks. I tried depaprovera, and bled constant for 9 months.
Eventually got put on metformin, but it upset my stomach too much and gave me stinky headaches. i have also always been a little overweight. (size 14-16 usually)

BUT, i got married last November at age 34 and we decided to go for it. Got pregnant on honeymoon! Sadly that one was a chemical, but we got pregnant again the following month, and i am now just about to go into my 3rd Trimester. I am 35 now.

So dont let PCOS give you stress, yes we are all different, and it affects us all differently, but there is no actual way of knowing if it is affecting your fertility or not as its easy to blame. "Oh she has PCOS, thats why she isnt getting pregnant". BALLS!

put it to the back of your mind, and good luck with TTC! xx
Thank you Lynds and congratulations on your pregnancy how exciting :) I am pleased it worked out for you and I will take these stories away and put them in my little positivity pot :) xxxx
I have pcos and all my blodd tests were normal also.

I have it on both ovaries but up to now not had fertility issues conceiving naturally.

I was told classic pcos looks like a string of pearls on a scan.

I also have the ovulation cramping.At least thats what i thinki mine is.

If you have a good dr thats half the battle with it.Most ive come across are men and not empathetic or sympathetic but you said your dr was good so thats a real plus :)

Id make a long list of questions you want answering for when you go to your appointment.A good dr will give the time to answer them all or refer you elsewhere if they cant and they will discuss symptoms if youve got any,possible options to manage them and be in a position to refer you if youve been ttc for a long time based on the possibility that in some (not all) cases PCOS can impact fertility.
Thank you, i will definitely write a list of questions to ask but strangely, right at this moment i cant think of a single question its like my mind is numb. thank you for your reply though hun and i am glad it didnt effect your fertility, i have had a lot of positive comments today so i am pleased with that and wont forget them xxxx
Hi Emma,

I've been diagnosed with PCOS since I was 12. When i told my doctor I was TTC she sent for lots of bloods and scans etc to get upto dat info. Still confirmed that I have PCOS quite bad :(. I was referred to the gynaecologist only to be told I HAVE to lose 2 stone atleast but ideally 4 stone before they will do any tests to see if i'm ovulating or what my body is actually doing.

BUT i am like petrified I will never get pregnant etc..as I barely have periods, and it's so annoying. i've currently not longed finished one so I'm doing everything and anything I can but i'm staying relaxed.

My sister both have PCOS and they both have children. This gives me hope!

Nicky?? How long were you TTC before your Gynaecologist gave you your first round of clomid??

X x
Thanks for your reply 3beloved, and sending hugs your way, i want to tell you not to be scared but i would be a hypocrite if i did as that is how i am feeling at the moment BUT like you said, both your sisters have PCOS and they have children so that gives both you and me hope. I hope it works out for you hun, really do. With me, i dont seem to have the other symptoms from PCOS, i have the non exsistent period and scan showed polycystic ovaries but i dont think losing weight would help me personally, if i lost anymore i would look very skinny as i am currently 5 ft 6 in and weight 8 stone 13. I exercise and eat heathily. What i also cant get my head around is that from when i started my periods to when i went on the pill at 17, my periods were normal and like clock work never had any problems, then i went on the pill for 10 years and now this? can you just get polycystic ovaries or is it something you are born with? sorry, alot of questions there and kinda thinking out loud also! xxxx
it is a genetic disease. Symptoms start to show up usually between the ages of 12-45 years old x x x
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I went to my gp after 7 months of ttc and only 1 period. He did a transvaginal + internal scan and blood tests. Once he had the results of those he then referred me to the gyno. The gyno then did a hycosy scan plus a smear and OH's semen analysis. Once all that was done we got the clomid. Took about 8 months with the gyno before we got the clomid x
also its not forced to be your mum that has passed on the disease. Males can carry the gene too in some variant. It doesnt really effect men it can cause early baldness or like women excessive hair.

Also your mum could be a carrier but not actually have the disease. x x x
as far as we know i am the only person in my family with PCOS x
Hi hun, sorry about the PCOS.

You're more than welcome to come over to the Clomid thread in LTTTC as there's plenty of us there with it and we're all either waiting for treatment or being treated.

I was diagnosed with PCOS in April this year and got put straight on 100mg of Clomid. I'm on my second cycle of it and have just ovulated so FX we get a BFP this cycle. :)

I would definitely push for some treatment if you can. My cycles were over 100 days long and on my first cycle, it helped reduce it from 100+ days to 32! :yay:

There's plenty of support on here for you whenever you need it. :hugs:

At least the ball is rolling now and you're being seen, definitely push for a referral to a gyno, they will be able to do more for you.

I had a HSG, bloods and scans done and DH had his swimmers tested. Everything came back fine but the scan showed cysts on my ovaries so I wasn't ovulating.

Hope you're ok. :)


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