Polycystic ovaries, not full Polycystic Syndrome...

Nikki K.

New Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I've been ttc for 2 years now, I'm 33. I've had a failed IUI and 1 failed ivf. The only thing wrong with us as a couple appears to be that I have polycystic appearing ovaries. In looking up polycystic ovaries on the internet, it immediately sends you to details on the full syndrome, which they say I don't have. Does anyone out there have just polycystic ovaries and have had any treatment to help conception with this problem?

Many thanks!!
Nikki K. said:

I've been ttc for 2 years now, I'm 33. I've had a failed IUI and 1 failed ivf. The only thing wrong with us as a couple appears to be that I have polycystic appearing ovaries. In looking up polycystic ovaries on the internet, it immediately sends you to details on the full syndrome, which they say I don't have. Does anyone out there have just polycystic ovaries and have had any treatment to help conception with this problem?

Many thanks!!

I have just the ovaries and I have been put on 50mg of clomid, although this prob wont help you. I managed to conceive the first cycle on clomid although am currently going through an early miscarriage.

I do have terrible AF trouble which is always ainful & heavy.

Sorry I cant be of more help. x
Hi Nikki,

I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries when we both decided to "get checked out" after trying to concieve for about a year with no joy. I didn't have any obvious symptoms other than irregular periods and it was diagnosed with a blood test.

I am in Spain and they seem to have a different approach to fertility issues (there is no NHS treatment for fertility here and the health insurance doesn't cover it either) and rather than starting with a softly softly approach (ie chlomid) they put me on daily hormone (Puregon) injections with scans every 2 days to see how my folicles were progressing. When it was deemed ready (when a folicle reaches over 14mm in size) I then had a self administered injection to start ovulation and then I chose to have IUI 36 hours later.

I was trying to keep realistic about the chances of success and really didn't expect it when the doctor told me I was pregnant after a blood test 2 weeks later. I haven't had any problems (touch wood :pray: ) and am now 5 months pregnant. So don't give up hope as it can happen :hug:
Hi i too have PCOS i wondered if your GP has prescribed Metformin? This seemed to work for me after taking it for a few months,

Good luck honey :hug:
Hi, my name is sam and I have been TTC for 15 months now. I have been diagnosed with PCOS and my DH sperm is normal. I have just started on Metformin, 2 tablets twice daily and then clomid on day 2,3,4 and 5 of my cycle. I am patiently awaiting my AF now and I am getting very impatient. It has been 82 days since my last AF. Would love some advice or just a general chat with somebody in a similar position or with someone that has been throught the whole metformin thingy. Look forward to hearing from anyone soon. x x x x
i've got pcos, and whilst it may just be a coincidence, i conceived within 2 weeks of starting to take metformin (having previously relied on just a good diet and luck).


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