Pointless thread but I am excited!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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I have been using the CBFM and it finally went to two bars today (day 12). I have some of the clearblue digi ovulation tests left over too so took one yesterday (blank face) and then took one today and got my smiley face. So happy as its the first cycle after miscarriage and glad to see ovulation is happening soon :).
Its a bit earlier than usual but that means earlier (possible) BFP!!! :dust:Yey!!!

Pointless thread but too excited to keep it inside, lol! xx
Wicked lisey27! :):):)

My CBFM is still on 2 bars (day 18) but did get that EWCM stuff this morning - well I think it was as had orgasm last night so before you girls explained what EWCM was I would of thought it was just something to do with that....now Im not sure if it is the EWCM or just bit wet from last night....

lisey27 - I know how i felt when mine went to 2 bars so I can imagine you had a big smile on your face this morning :dance: xx
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Wicked lisey27! :):):)

My CBFM is still on 2 bars (day 18) but did get that EWCM stuff this morning - well I think it was as had orgasm last night so before you girls explained what EWCM was I would of thought it was just something to do with that....now Im not sure if it is the EWCM or just bit wet from last night....

lisey27 - I know how i felt when mine went to 2 bars so I can imagine you had a big smile on your face this morning :dance: xx

Thanks for your message you sent me on my profile and the smile was massive lol.
The EWCM should be stretchy and thats the way to test if it is actual EWCM. I also read that if it doesnt soak into the toilet paper then it is more likely to be EWCM as semen and 'other' juices :whistle: will soak into the tissue. Hope this helps a little xx
Lol, Babybrain and Drangonfly fi-I can confirm....We have 'bonked' lol (i actually love that saying, so funny) :lol: xx
Thanks for your messages ladies xx
:dance::dance:Have everything crossed for you Lisey, heres to you releasing a good quality egg and your OH a good quality swimmer!!
xxxxx :dance::dance:
:dance::dance:Have everything crossed for you Lisey, heres to you releasing a good quality egg and your OH a good quality swimmer!!
xxxxx :dance::dance:

i hope so too...OH has had lots of rules to help keep those swimmers fresh, lol.
My monitor went up to three bars today so its peak time!! :) xx
Oh you better get busy then - no rest for the wicked!!!

Some tips hey? Care to share those tips so I can pass to my OH? xx
I told him,

No 'pleasure' :oops: inbetween our 'sessions'
Not to put his laptop on his lap-got to keep the spermies at a good temperature
Loose boxers
No alcohol
and if we dont get preggers within 6 months he has to quit smoking :shock:, he wasnt happy about that one as I always nag him anyway cos I hate it!! He didnt answer me about this one!!!

I hope some of them work. xx
Ha ha!!
Oh ok I think my OH does all that already except the laptop thing! Will have to tell him.
I always told OH to have some 'pleasure' on his own, if it had been more than 3 days since they had been released as apparently thy are classed as old sperm after 3 days?!
Every little helps I think!!!! xx
Yes I am the same, have told the OH to wait over most fertile days and he can use 'self service' the rest of the time :lol:

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