chaz It dosnt make you any less of a great mum just because its a little harder at time, somethimes I read how many times you have been up in the night and think oh god I moan about getting up and ready for the school run and I'm doing it on a full nights sleep you are doing it on a few hours sleep.
I had my first the same time as my cousin and her baby had colic and she said she looked at me and wounded how I found it so easy and didnt want to tell me how hard she was finding things,
but the truth is I would of found it hard in her shoes her baby cried all day long and it didnt make her not a good mum she just had a harder baby then me.
you are doing really well coping with no sleep tim away all wk you want to give yourself more credit.
and try and talk to your mum I'm sure she would hate to think you couldnt
totally know how ur feeling. you sound exactly how i did when 1 month ago.
i got fed up of all the i spoke to saying
"o my babys such a good baby"
alls i felt like saying is "well mine isnt, he's a complete nightmare"
like you i couldnt put him down with him crying. my house got in a complete state and alls i seemed2 do it cry.
finleys so much better now. promise it gets batter!!

your doing a brilliant job and you keep telling yourself that. being a mum is the hardest jand challenging job ever.
chin up! xxxx
Thanks guys! I went out earlier with charley so he calmed down and I told my friend how I feel just to get my feelings out! Tim came home from work with a Christmas card for me with £300 in it to go shopping! Bless him!!
Mel, is he easier to put down now? The night feeds ain't bothering me too much, it's the clingyness! I'd love to be able to put him down without him crying!
Mel, is he easier to put down now? The night feeds ain't bothering me too much, it's the clingyness! I'd love to be able to put him down without him crying!

o yeh 100% better. i never thought it would get better but it does promise. i used 2 hate visiting ppl. he was always so grumpy. ive seen a huge difference in him this last month. its better now because he can kinda play propally with his play gym and he's just starting to grab things 2 play.
i found a dummy helps alot now 2, like charley finley wouldnt have his as a newborn. now he has it and helps him so much more to get to sleep. alls i have to do when i can tell hes tired is pick him up give him his dummy and off 2 sleep he goes :).
gets better promise!! x
That thread sounds just like charley. Hopefully he'll grow out of it!
oh chaz im sorry i have missed this thread! I think you are a super mum, i struggle with one! and Demba is home in the evenings! Let charley cry sometimes, it wont hurt him. i do with noa if i need to do something :hugs:
yeah i gotta say chaz, if we have to do something like the washing up of shower or anyhting like that we ket josh cry. it sounds horrible to say and its horrible to hear but its literally the only way we can get anythign done if its just phil or myself in for the day, hes oerfectly fun if you have the time to play etc with josh but just goign to the toilet for a pee is hard work cos the second you leave him he strts squealing! we learnt that as long as his nappy is changed, he isnt hungry and he's happy i nevery other way then hell be fine for 10-15 minutes!! im sure you're doing a wonderful job - i couldnt do 2 LO's...the thought scares me to death so the fact that you're living it is wonderful. and the feelings your having are natural - there have been a few times josh has been so bad for permanently needing the attention i've told phil i want to give himup for i fully sympathise. joshua is JUST starting to be able to have a maybe 15 minutes at any given time in his play gym without whingeing but then he starts......
hope it picks up
have you tried a music mobile or one of them light that shines on the ceiling i recommend get a swing if you havent got one they were brill with amy when she was clingy she still is now. its worse when shes been ill she crys for hours and sometimes i dunno what she wants even if ive changed her and feed her and playd with her shes not cuddley at all apart from when shes ill she seems to want me. i let herself sooth if she crys its hard and upsetting as were in the same room atm till i get into the flat and she go into her own room then shes not into a bed time routine thou i jusst let her fall asleep when she wants too as with oh having tv and xbox on its hard to settle her in a routine. try putting something that smells of you in the cot or moses basket with him. he will grow out of it, if you have things todo put him down and then walking into the kitchen and do the dishes or washing if hes crying leave him for a few mins if he gets worse go in sing him a song or talk to him dont get stressed coz hell sense it and hell get more upset hell soon tire him self out crying try putting some soft music on that cud sooth him. i hope he settles for you. does he settle in his pram if you push im back on forth or when you go out if he does put him in it during the day see if he settles that way i do this with amy if she crying all the tym
I'm feeling alot better and happier now and haven't cried since that day! Charley seems alot easier since we brought him a swing! It's hard to keep them occupied at such a young age and I think he was crying through boredom which was making me upset cos I didn't know what to do! Thanks for letting me moan though x x
Swings are a godsend arnt they?!

Glad your feeling better sweet, remember we're with you every step of the way hunny xx
So glad you're feeling better honey! Yay for finding things that work to soothe them!
Glad things are looking up for you hun. Really can't be easy with two little ones practically on your own.
Which swing did you buy Charley? X
I got him the fisher price ocean wonders swing. Also got the ocean wonders rocking aquarium which he likes for about 5mins!
The swing was on offer last week, not sure if it still is though
Glad your feeling better! I knbow what you mean about entertaining them - I dunno what to do with josh sometimes as he has the attention span of a fish lol. Apparently, boys are more demanding of their mums when they are babies and then as they get older get far more independant!!!! That's the belief I'm holding on to!!!!!! Glad you made this thread though cos I do sometimes feel I have to say how easy I'm finding motherhood when all I wanna do sometimes its say how bloody difficult it is! Its just great that we have pf to offload and everyone is in a similar position x
Hi Lacey's mummy from where did you buy the ocean wonders swing as I bought a fisherprice swing for my son and he cries every time I put him in it..:( so I am still in same boat of holding him all the time..
I got it from babies r us. Charleys always wanted to be held but after getting this he naps for ages in it and will sit quite happily for a while when he wakes up! I'll take a pic for you. He's asleep in there now!! Lol

I'm not sure if it's still on offer but it was £84.99 knocked down from £99 but it's well worth the money!!

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