Pls Help possible +opk but on af!!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
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Hi ladies, please help I decided to take an opk test last night just for the sake of poas and noticed it was slightly dark. So I've done another tonight at cd4 and still on af and it looks positive to me. Please can someone tell me what they think and what this means. Surely i'm not fertile now!!!

Please take a look... PS I've posted in the OPK galley too


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I know OPKs can pick up the hormone before & when AF is here but I've never known them to be that dark so I'm slightly stumped

I know its made me confused and thinking s##t what am I supposed to do now!! Any other time I would just Bd Grrrrrrrr.
Have you done a pregnancy test? It could be a breakthrough bleed and not af? It happened to me but unfortunately mine didn't stick x
i would definately try a hpt if i were you cus its unusual to get a pos ovulation test while on af let us know how you get on i have heard that your ovulation test stay positive when could be having a implantation bleed just a thought and of course i wish you good luck..xx
Hey, im not really sure to be honest about this as Ive never done an opk while I have my af so dont know if I would get a line. Not much help Im afraid!
That's def a positive!! Go get yourself a pregnancy test :D
Don't mean to dampen your hopes but my OPK's used to show as positive during AF and I am sure it has happened to a few of the other girls on here. I think your LH differs so much in your cycle and it seems a strong presense of LH is there during AF.

Sorry just don't want you getting your hopes up to much just incase.

But also, still think you should do a HPT just to be sure :)

All the best x
Hi ladies, thanks for all the advice. It can't be implantation. It is def af cos its 5th cd day now and its there when I wee, on tissue, in pad the lot tmi sorry. No I haven't tried the hpt but I'm 100% sure it will be bfn. I'll do one just for the hec of it and let you all know. Thanks Loopylou for your honesty and don't worry I've not had my hopes up about BFP I just questioned if it was another LH surge. I'm glad you've mention that you also have had it happen cos I was really confused last night on it.
Well I just tested def a BFN but thats what I thought. I know af when I see it and this is it. So I just hope I didn't ov today as haven't bd and feel too tired from work today. fx x
Right Now i'm really wondering what the hell is going on another positive OPK today as clear as anything af finished on cd5 now on cd7. Sometimes I hate looking into everything it makes be more confused and fraustrated grrrrrrrr!! x
That happened with me chick I bled and got pos opks I was pregnant it didnt show in a test until about a week later unfortunately it turned out to be ectopic for me. Test again with preg test in a day or 2 x
That happened with me chick I bled and got pos opks I was pregnant it didnt show in a test until about a week later unfortunately it turned out to be ectopic for me. Test again with preg test in a day or 2 x

I'm sorry sorry to hear you went through that. Thanks for the advice I'll test again then just to make sure x
any update hun? xxx

No, still getting positive opk I'm just going to keep testing and see what happens this month, not much more I can do really. How about you any news!!
Fx for you hun you might just have a shy bfp and missed judged when you ov'd. Well I'm cd10 today af finished on cd 4. I still got another very positive opk I took a pic but it didn't save, as I was gonna post it on here. I'm just trying to bd every other just in case!!

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