please wish me luck ... i need it


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2015
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Its my 12 week scan day and I should be excited .... But I had a terrifying experience yesterday

I was at work and out of the blue had a gush of blood , ran to the toilet and it was bright red . My boss asked another member of staff to drive me home , I ended up hysterical .. Feeling pressure and lots of blood when I sat on the loo.

I've had a MC at 13 weeks and I never want to have that happen again it made me petrified.. After an hour at home and feeling like I needed a wee constantly I passed a huge clot te size of the palm of my hand

Went to A n E on the advice of 111 , had a drip attached and bloods taken ... The gynae came and I had an internal exam and swabs taken ... She said my neck of womb and lack of pain was promising and the cervix closed , happy to send me home to rest only if I definitely attended my scan today

So my happy day today is full of panic and stress as to what I might find

On a lighter note I own no underwear to attach a pad to , just thongs so I borrowed a pair of OH boxers , she asked to see my pad so I had to produce them ! All dignity gone ! We did giggle though x
Best of luck today hun.

Hope all is well.


Aw hun i have everything crossed for you today! Xxx
Good luck today that sounds really scary, fingers crossed for you xxx
Aw birdo what a fright, hope all is ok today and the scan puts your mind at
Thank you all , on my way now , feel like crying in petrified, bleeding has turned to the tiniest spotting and I found a heartbeat on my Doppler this morning ,

I was so excited to get to this day after 9 years of sadness . My daughter made a big wish for me x
Got everything crossed for you hunni xxx
This gave me goosepimples. I have every finger and toe crossed.

Good luck

PP xXx
I hope it's all gone ok birdo, that is so scary for you xxx
This exact same thing happened to me a few days before my 12 week scan with my daughter. I lost a huge clot and a gush of blood. The epu couldn't scan me because it was weekend but examined me and said that my cervix was closed which was a good sign.

Hope everything is okay sweetie! Xxx
Really hope you are ok xx Please let us know how you are & what the scan showed... Thinking of you xx
Hi everyone , the scan showed a very wriggly baby , no signs of any bleeding in the uterus , placenta anterior but a little low ... No reason for the bleed . It stopped totally but has started again since I've got home ... So I'm resting ... I'm non the wiser and crossing everything .

Will post a pic in a min

Thank you all so much

I'm delighted for you that baby is okay. So sorry you had to go through that xx

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