Please read...about Rhian85

Bad boys Bad boys what ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when Rhian comes for you.....

Good luck matey

Love Lou x
Wishing you the best of luck, i know how hard that application form is.
Lots of love Tara and Liam xx
:shock: LUCYBEE..u never fail to amaze me woman...ur a great friend...such a supportive friend aswell. just got ur card and the print outs what a lovely ting to do :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

to the rest of u lovely girlies:
MASSIVE THANKS for all the messages :hug: :cheer: i have had leters from the police telling me that both forms have been received and are being looked at :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

the amount of hours that have gone into these applications is just stupid EACH application took me 3.5hours SOLID to complete and with alot of stress with it :rotfl:

I will update this thread well either me or LUCYBEE will as and when i hear anythign :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

MANY MANY THANKS TO U ALL ONCE AGAIN :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
LucyBee said:
You deserve it Twinny! GOOD LUCK! xxx :hug: :hug:

Ur such a sweet person..yet such an amazing friend..ur always around when i need you..a true friend

couldnt of got thru the forms with out ur support and encouragment twinny so massive thanks and hugs for u :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

(promise you will be the first to know when i hear anythin..well first person apart from me and Chris :lol: :lol: )

chat later love PC twinny too be

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