please help


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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joshua has stopped eating savoury food. Normally he would eat breakfast wih some milk, a sandwich at lunch with a banana followed by milk at a snack and then for dinner a carb with meat and veg.

well nowadays if we put his 'main' meal at lunch and dinner he screams and screams until we take it away until he gets fruit. I mean fully kicks off big time until he gets fruit.

We thought it might be his gums but he wont eat soft saoury food just fruit and thats it. No word of a ie JUST fruit! he only eats half his breakfast at the most, a banana at lunch a part bottle at 3 ish and some fruit at dinner....

its really not healthy for him. Could he be spoiled? any other suggestions??

what can we do?
oh hon so hard when they go off their food. I don't really have any advice for you but didn't want to read and run. Hope some mums with more experience of this can help?

Only thing I can think of is that my friend had similarish with her LO not taking food, he was spoon fed-and used to clamp his mouth shut. For some meals she started eating with him and offering him finger foods only and she has seen some improvment. It's hard when they start to assert themselves.
yeah its horrible. and cause his diet is so restricted is even more worrying etc!!we're worried that hes becoming spoiled. that and hes going to get ill from not eating. i honestly cant stress enough the fact he screams when any other food is in front of him and the second fruit is there he eats it. i spose lucky he cant have chocolate but....

sophie x
If you look in feeding and nutrition you'll see Tegan was doing the same for about a week! i do thinks her teeth or just a phase But she's just started eating properly again xx
They all go thru phases like this, don't worry hun! They get most their nutrients from milk still at that age anyway! I remember ella at that age literally having a mouthful of toast for breakfast, a mouthful of a sandwich for lunch an ten a couple of mouthfuls of whatever for tea! Ive always been really strict with food, if they don't eat what's infront of them, they don't get anything else :blush: sounds awful, but they literally won't starve themselves! Im a proper tightarse mummy!
can children of ten months be 'bratty' if you get me..... well he doesnt have enough milk anyway apparently so thats why we have to make sure he eats but hes only down to one bottle a day now as he isnt interested in anything............ thanks for your replies....

mmg&i - when did you start doing that? weve been thinking about it but didnt know whether he was too young??

Tegan is also down to one bottle a day, she hates her milk! that's why i was so worried when she wasn't eating properly. hope he eats better soon xx
she's loads better, eating most of her breakfast, sandwich for lunch and some fruit and nearly all her tea! xx
dud tegan scream at other foods though?? thats what i dont understand if its his teeth. hes not eating anything savoury no matter how soft yet wil happily eat apples and pears etc x
Yep Tegan was having full on tantrums throwing her arms about and screaming and as soon as i give her fruit she shut up and ate it lol! i wonder If its because its cool and sooths the gums? x
maybe.............hmmm thanks for that!! well keep an eye on it then and hopefully will just blow over fx xx
what about trying big stuff he can hold? does he eat the fruit from a spoon or eat a chunk of pear? just thinking maybe he likes the control? could try corn on the cob and stuff? Owen loves that. I do think they can be 'bratty' as in trying to influence the world around them and screaming is the only way they know. On a positive note fruit has a lot of good stuff in it so it's good he's eating that. Must be hard with his restricted diet anyway. Really hope it's just a little phase...
If it helps Devon will kick off bigtime if he has anything (TW) that doesn't involve cheese sauce!! He loves it, but I'm trying to ration it , don't want him to have it everyday if causing this prob!

He also has a paddy if we eat at the same time unless we eat baby food too!!!

If he refuses his breakie, I give him bread , which calms him down as he can do it himself , then we try again with the baby food at the end when he has got it out of his system.

He also has a sweet tooth, so if he doesn't eat much dinner , then no pudding like yog or puree fruit
He prob doesn't understand now, but I feel better that we have started to not accidently reinforce tantrum and refusal with sweet pudding arriving
Is he spoon fed the stuff he's refusing? I'm wondering if he'd have more interest if he fed himself. It could be his teeth though, fruit is lush and cool on the gums, Drake loves the stuff!
He feeds himself. I feel terrible not giving in when he doesn't understand why...........and he can't be explained to as he won't unserstand..........x
I read my blw book last night and it said it's quite common to have food 'fads'. It might last a week or two but to just keep offering a variety and they'll soon come out of it. xx
Try him on some sweet potato it's really sweet can just be boiled and cooled - maybe he doesn't like warm food? And it's really easy to hold and eat and really sweet and sweetcorn (little pieces) that way it's sweet but your still getting a carb and veg down him. Chloe has recently gone off rice and she used to have have it all the time if she doesn't eat it tho and that's what has been cooked she doesn't get her orange I'm afraid I say well you must be full then - and that's where I leave it - if she isn't even willing to eat it (which sometimes she does) then I do consider it "bratty" but I would call it more "testing the boundaries" I have 3 kids and they have all done this belle was I want my salad and banana - zander was yoghurts and oranges and Chloe likes her milk and would quite easily have a bottle over food. A food thing to try it also change round food use the free from range from morrisons there is loads and no milk, meat no additives ext... You can make pizza, sweet n sours and loads more even pasta gluten free if he has something different he might just be board of the same xx

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