Please help i am so scared

Just wanted to send you some :hug: :hug: i see you've already had afew but you can never have to many!

I cant give any advice that hasnt already been given, but will be thinking of you over the weekend and hope that everything is clearer/better for you on Monday.

Thank you Jollypops :hug:

Charlotte - Forgot to say i wouldn't worry too much about your test results, i'm sure you'd have heard by now if there were any problems. They seem to act fast as i only went to docs for my bloods to be done on Monday afternoon and the letter was on my mat Thurs evening when i got in.

Hi hon, i dont have much advice but just wanted to give you some hugs and tell you to just focus on other things, i know things can be worrying we just want to be told things are ok don't we?

I hope things work out for the best for you but i think you'll be fine ;)

Oh babe, I'm sorry you're going through this worry after all you've been through :hug:

Put it this way though, if you line 221 pregnant women up and pick one with a Downs baby, it is extremely unlikely that it'll be you..

I chose not to have the test because I didn't want to have to endure the wait to get the results back so I can't even imagine how that must feel so I won't pretend to...

I'm sure everything is absolutely fine though hun :hug: xxx
Hi, sorry I dont have any advice. I think at the end of the day it just has to be personal choice at the end of the day......i'm trying to decide on the amnio myself and have been for weeks now so know exactly how you are feeling.....its a tuff one!
Ive not actually had the blood test (bleeding continuously which effects the result) but classed as high risk due to age :( so automatically been offered the amnio. I think ive got to the point that if I could have the blood test I really dont think the results would make me feel better or worse anyway. I know somebody in their early 20's recently had the result 1 in 17 (god what she went through :evil: ) only to have the amnio and find all to be fine :).
I also know people to have had the amnio and none of them have had any problems with it but I still cant make the bloody decision :? .......My hubby just said 'what will be will be....there's no point in'll all be o.k'..........and i'm sure he's right but think theres only the amnio that will take my worry away completely. My next scan and appointment is on the 16th and I think i'll book let them book me for the amnio and then i'll have to make my mind up.
I'm sure all will be fine for you, enjoy your scan and have a good chat, asking any questions no matter how small :hug: :hug:
The odds seem bad as compared to those in thousands but its still one in your favour because it is 1 in 221. Monday is a wee while away so just want to give you hugs and be strong. The decision is yours to have the amino or not but I want to give you some hugs :hug: :hug:
sorry to hear this news...i think it depends on what u want to do- personally i would not want an amnio or to terminate the pregnancy so i put it to the back of my mind knowing that the odds are still low...less than 1%. i think a specialist will be able to discuss if baby was affected exactly what it would be like for you so u can make a more informed decision. really sorry about this and hope all is ok, hope good news is coming your way xx
Just wanted to add my :hug: s to the list :hug: :hug:

I don't have anything to add, the other girls have already covered anything I would have said. I hope Monday comes round quickly for you and that your hospital gives you the best support with which you can make the right decision for you both :hug: :hug:
Didnt want to read and run hunnii but when i was carrying Jason, i was told i was ''high risk'' for downs because of my age, ( i was 19 and slightly underweight for my height), i also had the ammio test, and i was shatting myself for days, was convinced i was going to loose the baby... but he was fine!!

hope your feeling better hun. xx
Hey babe, hope your ok, keep thinkin of how i would feel in your position.. but i'm sure your gorgeous lil bean is fine..

altho he/she isnt so much of a bean now hehe..

I don't really have any advice hun but didn't want to read and run so giving you a big hug instead :hug:
Just read your post. I am sending you lots of :hug: :hug: and second what the other girls say. It's a tough decision and only you and your OH can decide what is best for you. My mum had an amnio with my brother and all was fine.

Thinking of you :hug:
I just wanted to come and give you some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
And repeat what the others have said, although 1 in 221 may seem high in comparison to what others may get, there is still a very small chance that your baby will be that 1!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I dont know much either so I just wanted to send some snuggles :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you to everyone for your messages of support.

I've stayed away from my computer all weekend as i only end up sitting for hours researching info and getting myself in more of a state.

I've not been too bad, we've both kept busy to try take our minds off it for a bit.

Going to see specialist today at 2.00pm so please pray for us.

I cant believe after only just managing to relax after getting past 13 weeks that now i'm back worrying more than ever :cry:

May not be on later today, poss tomorrow.

Take care and speak soon.

Not that you need it babe,but good luck..

let us know how it goes.. i'm sure you'll be fine!!

you and bubs will be healthy, and today will prove that.

hope your ok, take care xxxx

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