Please be a bed....


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2010
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Just a little moan, I am booked into be induced today - the hospital are meant to be ringing me when a bed becomes available ): I have to wait till 3pm! Before I am allowed to ring them & see when or if a bed is available!! I really don't think I can last another day ):

Please keep your fingers crossed for me girlies!! 13 days
Over ):
Aw hun, you must be pulling your hair out!! Fingers crossed theres a bed and goodluck!! x x
Got everything crossed for you honey! x x

good luck hun, and hope there is a bed for you!!

Hey hun...u poor thing...must be so hard waiting...i know ive been through it with my first! Goodluck and il have fingers and everything else possible crossed for you...look forward to ur news :) xxx

I rang my hospital at 3pm to be told that - I'm not booked in till tomorrow!!

I was sooooo upset - the letter my mw gave me says the 13th! My mw must hav wrote it down wrong!!!

I don't think I've ever felt soooooooooo devastated!!

I want this baby out!!!!!!!

Aw honey x that sucks x hugs
aww hun...sending you hugs...thats an annoying mistake tho!! Did u ring this morning? i would ring early..usually they ask u to be in by eleven...just one more night hey! xx
Oh God I'd be doing my nut!

Right- here is the plan:

1) Get a take away tonight- whatever you like best
2) Get tub of your favourite ice-cream / box of favourite chocolates
3) Get some company and sit down to your favourite film
4) Get someone to give you a back and foot massage.

Make this evening as stress free as possible and try to induce feelings of happiness and excitement about knowing it WILL BE tomorrow. Good luck hon. xx
Bless you, must be awful waiting :( really hope tomorrow is a better day for you xx
How horrible for you, building yourself up to be let down like that. Silly mw and hospital grrrrrrr. You never know you might go naturally tonight and then they'd have to take you, bed or no bed, see how they like that. Ha.

Really hope things go much better tomorrow for you.
Oh dear..bless u...i am surprised u have coped so far..I wud have gone nuts..dont worry u will be meeting ur little one in few hours..hopefully..:) good luck..
Thank you all sooooooo much for the support!!

I've been on all 4's all afternoon to try & get this baby out naturally!!! ):

I'm trying not to get stressed!! But my poor hubby has to go away a week Tues with the forces! Poor thing is only going to have a week with his son or daughter! Bloody hospital!!

Thank you for the support!! You guys are the best!! If I don't go tonight! Fingers crossed there is an early bed with my name on it!!
Aw bless hun :-(
I think annies suggestion of doing things that you like the best is a great idea. You never know, bubs may surprise you and decide to make an appearance anyway, best of luck for tomorrow xx
good luck lucy i hope things start naturally for you.

im pulling my hair out and im only 3 days overdue i dont know how u must be feeling

good luck keep us updated xxx
fingers crossed they have a bed for you tomorrow

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