I have had 2 planned c sections following an emergency one after a horrific 3 day labour.
Basically a few months before you will be given your date, usually by your consultant. I remember not being able to eat anything from midnight the night before and having to be in hospital for 8am on the morning of your op. Then you will get your gown on and chill until you are called down to theatre. I walked down with my ex hubby and went into the room on my own to have my epidural while he had to get gowned up. Then when I was fully anaesthetised I was laid down and a sheet put in front of me so I couldn't see the actual surgery and hubby was brought into me. Within 10-15 minutes I had my baby

Basically by 9:30 am my baby had been born the first time and second time 9:45 am so hardly any waiting around at all. Then I cuddled him while I was stitched up, about 30-40 mins if I remember correctly and taken to recovery room for a while then back to the ward where I ate dinner etc.
From start to finish my planned c sections where a doddle. I honestly couldn't have asked for more calm and peaceful surroundings to bring my babies into the world and I remember very little pain afterwards, my boobs hurt more than my scar! when my milk came in I cried like a baby!
I am expecting this baby, c section number 4 for me, to be much the same. Maybe will just take a little longer to stitch up due to scar tissue.
I'm sure all will be fine for you, don't worry at all, planned c sections are generally far far better than emergency's xxx