Pitting edema and pre eclampsia


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Hello ladies :)

My legs and ankles are quite swollen today and when I press the skin on my legs it leaves a dent. I've soaked my feet and I'm sitting with them up now. I'm thinking about giving the hospital a ring at 8 if they're still the same, am I being OTT? Oh they're also sore but I had cramp in one today and went for a walk earlier.

If you have concerns then you should call them hun, it's what they get paid for after all xx
Now listen here mrs, tomorrow is my turn - no queue jumping!!! Only joking, I'd defo ring em and describe your symptoms, better safe than sorry and you'll only worry otherwise xxx
Lou are you being induced tomorrow???? Sorry I haven't been on most of the day. Krista is with me so if I do need to get checked she'll be with me.

Yes hun, getting waters broken at 8:30am, at last!!! Give them a call just for reassurance if anything xx
Yeah call them if your worried. I've had swelling lately but mines is the hot weather. X
Call to be safe hun, I did have swollen ankles really bad towards the end with my first though so it is normal but better to be safe then sorry! :) x
Hey Pinky - this is what I have (the pitting edema). I think they worry if you have a combination of swelling, high blood pressure, protein in your urine, blurry vision.

You should ring just for piece of mind. x
Called them, she said to take more paracetamol for my headache and to call if I get any visual disturbances. She said the pitting edema can just be normal Oh I've to put my feet up and drink more water

Put your feet up so that your feet are raised higher than your legs. Should help the swelling xx
Urk I feel your pain re the shoes - I got some new wedges last week and wore them to work, took them off at work and then come home time could not get the buggers back on! Horrifying. I had some crappy old flatties under my desk but couldn't get them on either, had to fold the backs down and shuffle home :rofl: They don't look swollen though.

Keep them nice and up Pinky and hopefully they'll go down. Even try putting your feet on a cushion or pillow when you go to bed too - when I smashed my ankle in they recommended that to get the swelling down.
How are your feet and legs now? Where I'm from we call them cankles when your ankles merge into your feet and legs with swelling :rofl:
Not sure if everywhere refers to them as that lol xx
Haha yeah we call them cankles too. Well when I press them I'm still getting a dent.......but apparently that can be normal?
Just had a dodgy tummy as well......think I'm falling apart tonight :lol:

Never mind I just had a caramel egg :)

Haha wasn't sure if it was a glasgow thing or not.

I just baked 24 cupcakes and don't get to eat a single one cos there Easter gifts. I'm shattered and was standing that long doing it that my ankles were swelling. Xx

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