pisses ne right off- team yellow

Oh Mel you made me laugh with your tikka massala story!

I agree I am going to stay on team yellow, (just hope I can hold out and not cave in at 20 weeks!)
I had team yellow with my first and team blue and team pink with my others, so back to team yellow, as I don't care what it is as long as it's a healthy baby ! People should respect your descisons, they are not part of your family!

ha ha i know cudnt believe i said it, it just came out lol.
stay strong u can do it, u'll be glad at the end.
my OH says theres not many suprises in life and teh sex of our baby has gotta be the best 1 life can offer!! :lol:
:lol: Mel you made me laugh with that story!

I have been having people tell me i have ruined my own surprise and that i would regret it because they didn't want to know and it was the best thing they did.
I personally am a very impatient person and not knowing would have drove me crazy, i think its a personal choice at the end of the day so noone has the right to say how you will feel about doing it either way! :wall2:

My cousins both never found out and i think they both loved the surprise and it was great for us to get one aswell but with me i know finding out was sooooo the right choice, people should think before they speak really not try and make us feel guilty for finding or not finding out the babys sex!!
I friggin hate it when people make comments when you tell them you dont know what we are having!

My MIL tried to make me feel guilty when i said i didnt want to know, saying "It will help you bond better with the baby if you know what sex it is" ???????????????????????????? :wall2:

My clients at work all asked me after my 20 wk scan "Do you know what your having?" and I would tell them that we want a suprise and then they would come in 6 weeks later and say "Still dont know what your having?" "ER, NO, I TOLD YOU LAST TIME - WE WANT A SUPRISE!!!!" :mad:

Oh, I'm ranting today!
Hahaha! Planks the lot of them aren't they?! I've never had so many opinions thrown at me in such a short period of time since becoming pregnant!

The old phrase, "if you've nothing nice to say..." comes to mind! x
i agree, its completely personal choice, we are team yellow, but i am fed up too of people saying "modern technology means you have to find out" no modern technology means that we can tell if the babies healthier not there for sexing the baby,

we did want to know, and im sure next time with baby number 2 (if we have anymore lol) we may find out, but for our first, we wana surprise, its our own personal choice and people should respect that, but some people are just down right ... well rude!!

Love the tikka masala comment!!!!

I totally agree - if my MIL goes on about me being team yellow once more before my scan on Fri I swear I'll take a swing for her!!!! xxx
I can complete understand and not fun.
Have to admit if you decided to find out, you would only get it the other way. We are keen to find out if we can and people have asked if we will find out. When i say yes, ooohhh and spoil the surprise, and they go on and on.
I don't think you would win either way. People.........
A shop assistant asked me yesterday how long I had left then if I knew what Im having. I said yes its a boy and she just outright said "oh I dont like the idea of finding out" whilst looking at my mum as if she expected my mum to agree with her. :wall: I felt really small (which is really something for me!)

My mum was like "oh its been so lovely, we've been buying him clothes and theyve been able to decide on a name. And noone calls him 'it'" I dont really know if my mum agrees with our decision to find out or not, it never occured to any of us to ask, cos its my and OHs decision and my family go along with it. It was nice to have her stick up for me though :)
We stayed team yellow but I totally respect the choice to find out, and I'm SO curious now having waited so long, that part of me wishes we had found out now!

Whatever you choose to do it's going to be wrong in everyone else eyes though (funny how everyone has an opinion just cos you're pregnant!) and we've had lots of people saying we should have found out because we haven't been able to plan clothes or paint the nursery the "right" colour. All rubbish, but equally, it's rubbish when people say you ruin the surprise by finding out, it's all about personal choice!
lol we found out and our nursery still has magnolia walls, and yellow and pastil green decorations!! Some blue baby grows but Im mostly buying white anyway.
I've had that many bloody scans now that i'm so proud of me and OH for not caving in and finding out although for our second I definately think we'll be finding out the sex! I REALLY want to know what we're having though! I even asked Jamie today if we could find out! Haha! He was like like, "Tash, we've made 36 weeks without knowing, you can wait another bloody 4!" lol x
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