fao team yellow: scan pics


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2010
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does it drive you INSANE whe people say 'oh that's a girl/boy' whe they see your scan pics? it does me!!

firstly; you can't tell at 13weeks what the sex is and secondly; i have alrready said i don't want to know so don't try and guess it :shakehead:

rant over!

p.s does anyone think they can tell from the 20weeks scan without a midwife having confirmed it? and if the wee winky isn't clear how do you know it's a boy?!
I've only just had my 12 weeks scan people keep asking what i am having. I have been replying "a baby" lol
Oops - i'd definately be one of those people :whistle:

It's a secret... ofcourse people are going to guess - they want to know!

It's the source of the excitement and they want to know as much about it as possible and get to know it before it's even been born :)

Better than you showing them the scan and them acting indifferently - well for me anyway ;)

The gentials are defined as early as 12 week, and i bet many ultrasound techs can spot them that early but wouldn't like to say even if they did see something.

If you don't want to know i think the less you know you better because if you know what you're looking for you might see it even if you don't mean to.
well to be TOTALLY honest I am one nosey mare, and would like to know secretly :whistle:

OH is dead set he doesn't though :lol:

the thing is half have looked and said 'it's a boy' and half 'it's a girl' so that make me just think they are all guessing anyway
well to be TOTALLY honest I am one nosey mare, and would like to know secretly :whistle:

Hahaha! So THATs why it really bugs you - you want to tell them and can't do ;)

It really depends on what the shot is of - you'd need a pretty good bum shot at that age.

I bet most people are trying to guess off the facial features which doesn't mean anything.

Is there no way you could know and OH doesn't or would you blab? ;)
A lass I used to work with looked at my 20 week scan pic, immediately said girl and passed it back. Aparently she's 'always right' and guessed the last too correct. Suppose we'll find out in a couple of weeks whether or not she's mystic meg...
I only have had my 12 week scan, and EVERYONE i show it to is "its a boy" and havent had any girl comments yet, and on the chinese test thing it says boy, so very interesing! we are going to find out if we can though which i guess doesnt annoy me as much as if i wasnt going to find out! so i do feel for yoU! cant you just find out and not tell oh?? xxxx
everyone says to me its a boy or its a girl frankly i would like a girl but i fink its funni because ppl seem to know what the sex of the baby is but at 15weeks gone i dont think u can tell lol
totally the same with 50/50 on guessing the sex!!! i would prob make it so obvious if i knew and OH didn't!!! but i am looking forward to the surprise and now only have 10 weeks till i find out!!! Only thing is i look at things and wish i knew so i could buy stuff!!

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