MW Appointment


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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had MW appointment...

High BP, low baby heartbeat and shes back to back....oh pissin hell!!! they monitored me and the baby was fine, but my BP is still high

have to go to hospital to have bloods done tomorrow morning so theyve also got to do my BP aswell. I could tell there was something not quite right.
Dont worry about baby being back to back hun, both my labours were back to back and im assuming this one will be same. Try not to stres out too much and have some relax time to keep your BP lower xx
oh hun i know how you feel ive just got back from MW and blood pressure still high so shes coming to see me thursday x and ive got protein in my wee x im not a happy bunnt at the moment x
yeah my LO was back to back and the labor wouldnt progress, so my concern is that I will end up in the same boat as before, contractions random but not really dialating/progressing.... but I dont think they will let me go 3 days this time due to the c section I had to have previously. It is what it is hey...

dont think it helped that my OH went into Asda for 4 items while I sat in the car with my LO and spend 45 mins in there, leaving me no time to get them home, have something to eat and get to my MW appointment, so I was late and had to park in the disabled parking as there just werent any spaces and got so stressed out I OH couldnt see what the problem was!!! MEN!
Men normally dont! Hopefully things will sort themselves out. Good luck for tomorrow hun xx I had to go til after 2pm without food or water and drive myself with massive headache grrr ha ha ha

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