pips or Leanne?

Poor PiPs!!! I bet your going out of your mind now!! Just think just a matter of hours now and your LO will be here!!! I say if you wanna jump around then go ahead jump around!!!! I also suggest you try getting some rest though your gonna need it with the upcoming labor and then being a new mommy!!! :shock: :shock: I'll be constantly checking the new arrival thread to read your birth story. So let's go and get this show on the road!!!! Good Luck tomorrow and I along with everyone else on here will be thinking of you and sending you the warmest wishes for you and the new addition! Hurry home to give us the good news!!

Go PiPs!!!

xoxo Ree
pips, just a quick message to wish good good luck!!!

you will be holding your bundle of love soon!

Mine has not slept for more than half an hour last night, and her dady is gone back to work!!! But we love her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, she is so cute...an attentionm seeker already! :D

I will be thinking of you very strongly and wish all the others the same happiness!
Will probably not come on forum for a bit because I haven't slept more than 3 hours since she was born (18th feb) so I am getting irrtiated at people around me and that's not what I am usually like, so i will need to try and get some rest!

I'll come back when I am sorted! :?

Love to you all
Mel xx
here i am after a few hours sleep. my tummy's in such a state i feel as if i have triplets :shock:

trying to chill though, so am going to have a nice bath before hopping on to the bus to go...

ree you've been such a sweetheart! i hope i can help you in the same way when your turn comes (though there is little chance of it being late, lucky thing!)
mel, we can wait! go and make the most of that wee sweetheart and come back when you're rested and give us lots of lovely stories! :D

hehe i'm off for my blind date, so TARAAAA :lol:
ohhhhhhhh think ive probably missed you hun.......good luck, cant wait to hear your news, will be checking all the time
big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh PiPs I hope by now your holding your long awaited for baby!!! Hopefully your labor was short and sweet and to the point with only a little bit of pain!! :wink:

I will be anxiously awaiting the new arrival thread!!

I'm sure I will be needing to call on ya even if I go early so have your fingers ready to go!!! :D :wink: :D

xoxo Ree

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