lex said about full moon tonight

I wouldn't say i was good at my last labour more a bit hysterical, from 3cm to gave birth in 5 mins total labour 8 mins is not good, but i cant comment on a 30 odd hour labour yet, i dont think i would like that either lol you cant please me

8 mins is very fast, takes me 10mins get mi kecks of these days so I'd be screwed haha but all the same I'd go for fast rather the drawn out if u ad option, but think I got a bit of a fear now from last time x xx
I meant baby lol. Awww midnight, won't be long for you really.

i know the end drags loads hopefully next week will go really fast because i have loads on i have hair being done for me and the girls monday, tuesday is shopping day, wed i have midwives, thursday i have my growth scan plus my d.s has his medication review at teh hospital and we need to take the cat and dog to teh kennels and then friday we go away for a weekend break and inbetween all this i need to pack for all of us so im hoping i will be a quick week or so lol

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